Snowflake Marketplace can provide rapid results to external data which can be used as an overlay or enhancement of your existing data to monitor trends and perform compelling results. Building an application to distribute your results rapidly on a modern data platform are key to innovating faster and gaining a competitive advantage. Snowflake combined with Quasar, a modern Application framework together with AWS can help you achieve that competitive advantage. In this lab, we will show how to build a small web application using the Quasar Application Framework and AWS Lambda Python Layer.



What You'll Learn About Snowflake Marketplace

What You'll Learn About Building an Application

What You'll Need

What You'll Build

Snowflake Marketplace provides visibility to a wide variety of datasets from third-party data stewards which broaden access to data points used to transform business process. Snowflake Marketplace also removes the need to integrate and model data by providing secure access to data sets fully maintained by the data provider.

Before we begin to review working with Snowflake Marketplace data sets, STOP and verify you have installed a trial version of Snowflake. If not, click Install Snowflake Trial. Now that you have a working trial account, and you are logged into the Snowflake Console, follow the following steps.




--## Step 1  Review the available data tables
--Review the datasets available

--## Step 2 Identify the columns by which data sets can be joined by running simple select statements for a variety of different data views.  This will allow you to see patterns in data which join views to produce a combined view of many datasets.

select * from "KNOEMA_POVERTY_DATA_ATLAS"."POVERTY"."sdg_01_20" agi;
--Poverty Thresholds -ilc_li01  geo, geoName, geoRegionid month start date
select * from "KNOEMA_POVERTY_DATA_ATLAS"."POVERTY"."ilc_li01";
--Household Investment rate tec00098  geo, geoName, geoRegionid annual start date
select * from "KNOEMA_ECONOMY_DATA_ATLAS"."ECONOMY"."tec00098";
--Household Saving rate teina500-20160217 geo, geoName, geoRegionid quarter start date
select * from "KNOEMA_ECONOMY_DATA_ATLAS"."ECONOMY"."teina500-20160217";
--Key indicators annual nasa_10_ki-20180427 geo, geoName, geoRegionid annual start date
select * from "KNOEMA_ECONOMY_DATA_ATLAS"."ECONOMY"."nasa_10_ki-20180427";
--Proverty and Equity WBPED2020  Country, Country Name, Country Region annual start date

Review the datasets available and identify which data sets can be joined by running simple select statements for a variety of different data views. This will allow you to see patterns in data which join views to produce a combined view of many datasets.

Using Snowflake's Regression function returns the slope of the linear regression line for non-null pairs in a group. It is computed for non-null pairs, a powerful way to compare multiple variables in a set of data. It will help us evaluate in this case, Credit worthiness of Single Persons relative to Poverty. We also look at Savings rate and average investment rates by geography and time.


--# Step 1 Create a database to store your views
Create database VHOL;
--## Step 2 Create a View from the Regression query

create view VHOLAPP2 as select 
agi."geo RegionId" as GeoRegionIdAgi
, agi."Date" as dateAgi
, agi."Value" as ValueAgi
, pth."geo RegionId" as GeoRegionIdPth
, pth."Date"  as datePth
, pth."hhtyp Name" as hhtypNamePth
, pth."indic_il Name" as NamePth
, pth."currency Name"as Name3
, pth."Value" as ValuePth
, ir."geo RegionId"as GeoRegionIdIr
, ir."Date" as  DateIr
, ir."na_item Name" as na_itemNameIr
, ir."Measure Name" as MeasuerNameIr 
, ir."Value" as ValueIr
, sr."geo RegionId" as GeoRegionIdSr
, sr."Date" as  DateSr
, sr."na_item Name" as na_itemNameSr
, sr."Measure Name" as MeasuerNameSr 
, sr."Value" as ValueSr
,REGR_SLOPE(pth."Value", ir."Value") OVER (  PARTITION BY pth."geo RegionId",pth.
"hhtyp Name" ) as ir_lin
,REGR_SLOPE(pth."Value", sr."Value") OVER (  PARTITION BY pth."geo RegionId",pth.
"hhtyp Name" ) as sr_lin

from "KNOEMA_POVERTY_DATA_ATLAS"."POVERTY"."sdg_01_20" agi  --pov atlas
inner join "KNOEMA_POVERTY_DATA_ATLAS"."POVERTY"."ilc_li01" pth on agi."geo RegionId"=pth."geo RegionId" and agi."Date"=pth."Date"  -- join thresholds
inner join "KNOEMA_ECONOMY_DATA_ATLAS"."ECONOMY"."tec00098" ir on agi."geo RegionId"=ir."geo RegionId" and agi."Date"=ir."Date" -- join investment rate
inner join "KNOEMA_ECONOMY_DATA_ATLAS"."ECONOMY"."teina500-20160217" sr on agi."geo RegionId"=sr."geo RegionId" and agi."Date"=sr."Date"  -- join saving rate

--## Step 3 Create a view to pair down the variables for the APP --

create view VHOLAPP3 as select 
 GeoRegionIdPth, dateagi
 ,min(ValuePth) ValuePth
 ,avg(ir_lin) avg_Investment_Rate
 ,avg(sr_lin) avg_Savings_Rate
 from VHOLAPP2
 where GeoRegionIdAgi = 'AT' and hhtypNamePth = 'Single person'
  group by dateagi,GeoRegionIdPth,hhtypNamePth--, ir_lin, sr_lin
  order by dateagi,GeoRegionIdPth,hhtypNamePth--, ir_lin, sr_lin 

Limiting the variables that will be presented on the application layer (in this case our chart) is an efficient use of data and compute resources. Hence why we created the VHOLAPP3 view.

Verify your view is created by running the following:

Select * from VHOLAPP3;

Make sure at the top of your worksheet, you are in running with the appropriate access privileges ( Role, Warehouse, Selected database and Schema) which has access to these views.

We are using the Quasar Application Framework with vue.js.

So, before we begin to review the index.vue code make sure you have successfully installed the quasar Application Framework.

Please see the prerequisite for this lab

You will need to drop the quasar folder from the repository into your local quasar project folder

Download Quasar Folder from repository

Now let's take a look at the application we are going to build. In the image displayed below, you will see a dropdown selection box for the Geography which will pass the GeoRegionIdPth variable to the selection box, A slider bar to set the Time Period (start date, and end date) which will pass the Dateagi variable(s) to slider bar. The Refresh Button which will populate 3-line charts which represent the Poverty Threshold, Savings Rate and Avg Investment Rate relative to the Time Period and Geography selected. If a Geography is not selected, an error message will display in red, "You Must select a Geography" img1

Using your favorite code editor, open the following file: /your project folder/src/pages/index.vue

## Create Index.vue
Duration: 2

    <q-form @submit="onSubmit" @reset="onReset" class="q-gutter-md">
      <q-card class="my-card">
        <div class="row">
          <div class="col-3">
              <div class="text-h6">Please select a geography:</div>
                style="width: 300px"
          <div class="col-3">
              <div class="text-h6">Please select the period:</div>
                style="width: 300px"
          <div class="self-center">
            <q-btn color="primary" label="refresh" @click="refreshGraph" />

        <q-card-section> </q-card-section>
    <q-separator />
        <q-card class="my-card">
    <echarts :option="chartOptions" :height="400" :width="1200"></echarts>

import echarts from "src/components/echarts.vue";
export default {
  name: "PageIndex",
  components: { echarts },
  //Let's add the list of Geography codes to selecton filter....
  data() {
    return {
      countryOptions: [
      selectedCountry: null,
      selectedPeriod: {
        min: 2013,
        max: 2020,
      chartOptions: null,
  //Let's enforce selecton of Geography, and Start and End for time period...
  methods: {
    refreshGraph: function () {
      if (!this.selectedCountry) {
          type: "negative",
          message: `You must select a geography.`,
        this.chartOptions = null;

      if (!this.selectedPeriod.min || !this.selectedPeriod.max) {
          type: "negative",
          message: `You must select a period.`,
        this.chartOptions = null;
        this.chartOptions = null;
      //Here we GET the json data passed through the lambda function from the embeded SQL query from snowflake view through our API endpoint
      return this.$axios
          "" +
            this.selectedCountry +
            "&startYear=" +
            this.selectedPeriod.min +
            "&endYear=" +
        .then((response) => {

          let results =;
          let VALUEPTHValues = [];
          let AVG_INVESTMENT_RATEValues = [];
          let AVG_SAVINGS_RATEValues =[]
          //Now lets push the variables from Snowflake View  to the chart Here...
          let xDates = [];
 => {

          //Now lets add the chart title  and assign the tool tip here.....
          this.chartOptions = {
            title: {
              text: "Credit Worthiness of Single Persons Relative to Poverty",
            tooltip: {
              trigger: "axis",
            legend: {
              data: ["VALUEPTH", "AVG_INVESTMENT_RATE"],
            grid: {
              left: "3%",
              right: "4%",
              bottom: "3%",
              containLabel: true,
            toolbox: {
              feature: {
                saveAsImage: {},
            xAxis: {
              type: "category",
              boundaryGap: false,
              data: xDates,
            yAxis: {
              type: "value",
            //Now lets pass the values to the line charts for all three values here....
            series: [
                name: "POVERTY THRESHOLD",
                type: "line",

                data: VALUEPTHValues,
            name: 'SAVINGS RATE',
            type: 'line',
       data: AVG_SAVINGS_RATEValues

                name: "AVG INVESTMENT RATE",
                type: "line",

                data: AVG_INVESTMENT_RATEValues,


//Quasar plugins
      plugins: ['Notify']

We will come back to this again in a later step. If you do not see the application from your local host, verify your installation and the download of repository folder/quasar.

Now let's begin our work on in AWS to create a server-less environment to run our application. For the purpose of the lab, we will create the application and host it from your local host. So, let's begin. Function

  "queryStringParameters": {
    "startYear": "2015",
    "endYear": "2020",
    "geo": "DK"

10)	Greetings and Save/ create 
11)	Configuration – add trigger -API Trigger  Rest, Authorization, None 
12)	Review the function

import json, decimal, datetime 
import snowflake.connector
from snowflake.connector import DictCursor
def default_json_transform(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
        return str(obj)
    if isinstance(obj, (, datetime.datetime)):
        return obj.isoformat()
    raise TypeError
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    #print('queryStringParameters:', json.dumps(event['queryStringParameters'])
    # 1. Test query string parameters
    # TODO implement
    #startY= event["startYear"]
    #endY= event["endYear"]
    #geo= event["geo"]
     # Lets Parse query string parameters
    startY= event["queryStringParameters"]["startYear"]
    endY= event["queryStringParameters"]["endYear"]
    geo= event["queryStringParameters"]["geo"]
    # Lets get connection going...
    ctx = snowflake.connector.connect(
        # set the cursor...
    cs = ctx.cursor(DictCursor)

    # Let's execute the query to snowflake.....
    cs.execute("select  ValuePth, DateAgi, Avg_Investment_Rate, Avg_Savings_Rate, GeoRegionIdPth from TEMP.public.VHOLAPP3 WHERE  hhtypNamePth = 'Single person' and GeoRegionIdPth='" + geo + "' AND DateAgi >=TO_DATE('" + startY + "-01-01','YYYY-DD-MM') AND DateAgi <= TO_DATE('"+endY +"-01-01','YYYY-DD-MM')") 
    # Here it goes to the Array.....
    dataArr= []
    # It dumps the string to Json....WHEW! Finish up done
    for rec in cs:
    json_formatted_str = json.dumps(dataArr, default=default_json_transform)
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json_formatted_str,
        'headers': {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'

Test Script using the AWS Lambda Test Tab

  "queryStringParameters": {
    "startYear": "2015",
    "endYear": "2020",
    "geo": "DK"

Now lets' go back to your browser and go to localhost:8080/#/

A fantastic reference for downloading the snowflake-python connector .zip file Getting your AWS Lambda Functions to work with Snowflake to see how to use markdown to generate these elements.

To learn more about Snowflake Marketplace visit the official website here: Snowflake Marketplace

To learn more about Building Data Applications visit the official website here: Building Data Applications

What we've covered