
Welcome to the Powered by Tasty Bytes - Zero to Snowflake Quickstart focused on Data Governance!

Within this Quickstart we will learn about Snowflake Roles, Role Based Access Control and deploy both Column and Row Level Security that can scale with your business.


What You Will Learn

What You Will Build


Within this Quickstart we will follow a Tasty Bytes themed story via a Snowsight SQL Worksheet with this page serving as a side by side guide complete with additional commentary, images and documentation links.

This section will walk you through logging into Snowflake, Creating a New Worksheet, Renaming the Worksheet, Copying SQL from GitHub, and Pasting the SQL we will be leveraging within this Quickstart.

Step 1 - Accessing Snowflake via URL

Step 2 - Logging into Snowflake

Step 3 - Navigating to Worksheets

Step 4 - Creating a Worksheet

Step 5 - Renaming a Worksheet

Step 6 - Accessing Quickstart SQL in GitHub

Step 7 - Copying Setup SQL from GitHub

Step 8 - Pasting Setup SQL from GitHub into your Snowflake Worksheet

Step 9 - Click Next –>


Our Tasty Bytes Administrator has been tasked with learning the process of deploying Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and proper Governance across our Snowflake Account.

To begin, let's first dive into the Snowflake System Defined Roles provided by default in all accounts and learn a bit more on their privileges.

Step 1 - Setting our Context

Before we can begin executing queries within the Snowflake Snowsight interface we must first set our context by running USE ROLE and USE WAREHOUSE commands or manually setting these in the top-right corner.

For this step, we will do this by executing our first two queries by highlighting them both and clicking the "▶ Run" button.

Once complete our results pane will result in a Statement Executed Successfully message.

USE ROLE accountadmin;
USE WAREHOUSE tb_dev_wh;

With our context set, we can continue on our learning journey.

Step 2 - Exploring All Roles in our Account

Now let's run the next query which leverages SHOW ROLES to provide a result set consisting of all roles currently deployed in our account.


If you are operating in a trial account with only Tasty Bytes deployed you will only see a few tb_ roles, however if you are using an existing Snowflake account your list may be more extensive.

Thankfully we can filter down this result set which we will cover in the next step.

Step 3 - Using Result Scan to Filter our Result

To filter on just the Snowflake System Defined Roles from our previous output please execute the next query which utilizes RESULT_SCAN and LAST_QUERY_ID to query our previous SHOW ROLES results as if they were a table giving us the ability to add a WHERE clause.


In our result set we can see the high-level descriptions of what these Snowflake System Defined Roles have privileges to do.


Now that we understand these System Defined roles, let's begin leveraging them to create a test role and grant it access to the Customer Loyalty data we will deploy our initial Data Governance features against and also providing the ability to use our tasty_dev_wh Warehouse.

Step 1 - Using the Useradmin Role to Create our Test Role

As we saw, a useradmin can create and manage users and roles. Please kick off the next two queries with the first assuming that useradmin role and the second leveraging a CREATE ROLE command to generate a new tb_test_role we will use throughout this Quickstart. This will result in a Role TB_TEST_ROLE successfully created. message.

USE ROLE useradmin;

    COMMENT = 'test role for tasty bytes';

Step 2 - Using the Securityadmin Role to Grant Warehouse Privileges

With our tb_test_role in place, we can now begin to use GRANT statements to give access privileges to required Database objects and our tb_dev_wh Warehouse.

To begin, please run the next three queries which will first assume the securityadmin role that we learned can manage security aspects in our account, next we will grant ALL privileges on this Warehouse to our sysadmin and finally grant OPERATE and USAGE on our tb_dev_wh to our tb_test_role.

When completed we will recieve a Statement executed successfully. message.

USE ROLE securityadmin;

GRANT ALL ON WAREHOUSE tb_dev_wh TO ROLE sysadmin;


For more on Snowflake Warehouse Privilege Grants please see below:

Step 3 - Using the Securityadmin Role to Grant Database and Schema Privileges

With the Warehouse privileges in place, please execute the next two queries which will provide the tb_test_role with the USAGE privilege on the tb_101 database and all schemas within.

Once again when completed we will recieve a Statement executed successfully. X objects affected. message.

GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE tb_101 TO ROLE tb_test_role;

For more on Snowflake Database and Schema Grants please see below:

Step 4 - Using the Securityadmin Role to Grant Table and View Privileges

As we will be testing several Data Governance features as our tb_test_role let's ensure it can run SELECT statements across our entire Data Model.

Please now execute the next three queries of this section which will once again result in a Statement executed successfully. X objects affected. message.

GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA tb_101.raw_customer TO ROLE tb_test_role;
GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA tb_101.raw_pos TO ROLE tb_test_role;
GRANT SELECT ON ALL VIEWS IN SCHEMA tb_101.analytics TO ROLE tb_test_role;

For more on Snowflake View and Table Privilege Grants please see below:

Step 5 - Using the Securityadmin Role to Grant our Role to our User

With our tb_test_role properly privileged, let's now execute the last two queries of this section. Here we will first SET a SQL Variable called my_user_var equal to our CURRENT_USER.

The second query will then grant our role to our user we are logged in as which has been stored in our $my_user_var.

As we've seen before, our query will result in a Statement executed successfully message.

SET my_user_var  = CURRENT_USER();
GRANT ROLE tb_test_role TO USER identifier($my_user_var);

Awesome! We now have a tb_test_role with required Database Object and Warehouse privileges and our user is able to leverage it.

Step 6 - Click Next –>


The first Governance feature set we want to deploy and test will be Snowflake Tag Based Dynamic Data Masking. This will allow us to mask PII data in columns from our Test Role but not from more privileged Roles.

Before we can begin masking data, let's first explore what PII exists in our Customer Loyalty data.

Step 1 - Finding our PII Columns

Thanks to our last step, we can now officially use our tb_test_role Role and leverage the tb_dev_wh Warehouse from that role.

Please execute the next four queries which will first handle setting our context. With the context in place the fourth query will explore our raw_customer.customer_loyalty which we ingest from the Tasty Bytes Customer Loyalty Program provider.

USE ROLE tb_test_role;
USE WAREHOUSE tb_dev_wh;

FROM raw_customer.customer_loyalty cl 

Woah!! there is a lot of PII we need to take care before our users can touch this data. Luckily we can use Snowflakes native Tag-Based Masking functionality to do just this.

Step 2 - Creating our Schemas

To keep ourselves organized and to follow best practices, let's now create and privilege Tags and Governance schemas within our Database by executing the next five queries.

USE ROLE accountadmin;

    COMMENT = 'Schema containing Object Tags';


    COMMENT = 'Schema containing Security Policies';

GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA governance TO ROLE sysadmin;

Step 3 - Creating our Tag

To begin our masking process, please run the CREATE TAG query below.

Within this query we are creating a tasty_pii Tag for these values: NAME, PHONE_NUMBER, EMAIL, BIRTHDAY. Not only will this tag prevent free text values, but it will also add the Tag to the selection menu to Snowsight. This will result in a Tag TASTY_PII successfully created. result.

CREATE OR REPLACE TAG tags.tasty_pii
    COMMENT = 'Tag for PII, allowed values are: NAME, PHONE_NUMBER, EMAIL, BIRTHDAY';

Step 4 - Applying Tags

With the Tag in place, let's now execute the next query which uses ALTER TABLE... MODIFY COLUMN to set our tag to each respective column in the customer_loyalty table. This will result in a Statement executed successfully. message.

ALTER TABLE raw_customer.customer_loyalty
    first_name SET TAG tags.tasty_pii = 'NAME',
    last_name SET TAG tags.tasty_pii = 'NAME',
    phone_number SET TAG tags.tasty_pii = 'PHONE_NUMBER',
    e_mail SET TAG tags.tasty_pii = 'EMAIL',
    birthday_date SET TAG tags.tasty_pii = 'BIRTHDAY';

Step 5 - Exploring Tags on a Table

With our Tag created and applied to Columns, please kick off the next query where we leverage the TAG_REFERENCES_ALL_COLUMNS function to validate the work we just completed.

FROM TABLE(information_schema.tag_references_all_columns

Perfect! Just as desired, we see our created tag is associated to the PII columns we will look to mask in the next section.

Step 6 - Click Next –>


With our Tags in place we can now create our Masking Policies that will mask data for all but privileged Roles. We need to create 1 policy for every data type where the return data type can be implicitly cast into the column datatype. We can only assign 1 policy per datatype to an individual Tag.

Step 1 - Creating our first Data Masking Policy

For the three different column types we are looking to mask, we want to address the following:

In this step we will create our tasty_pii_string_mask Masking Policy. Within the policy we will see the use of CREATE MASKING POLICY as well as the other Snowflake functions required to complete our masking including CURRENT_ROLE, CONCAT, LEFT, and SPLIT_PART. This query will result in a Masking policy TASTY_PII_STRING_MASK successfully created. message.

CREATE OR REPLACE MASKING POLICY governance.tasty_pii_string_mask AS (val STRING) RETURNS STRING ->
        -- these active roles have access to unmasked values 
            THEN val 
        -- if a column is tagged with TASTY_PII : PHONE_NUMBER 
        -- then mask everything but the first 3 digits   
            THEN CONCAT(LEFT(val,3), '-***-****')
        -- if a column is tagged with TASTY_PII : EMAIL  
        -- then mask everything before the @ sign  
            THEN CONCAT('**~MASKED~**','@', SPLIT_PART(val, '@', -1))
        -- all other conditions should be fully masked   
    ELSE '**~MASKED~**' 

Step 2 - Addressing Re-Identification

The combination of an individuals City, first 3 Phone Number digits, and Birthday to re-identify them. Let's play it safe and also truncate Birthdays into 5 year buckets which will fit the use case of our Analyst. Run the next query to create our Date Masking Policy to return modified Birthdays. This will return Masking policy TASTY_PII_DATE_MASK successfully created.

CREATE OR REPLACE MASKING POLICY governance.tasty_pii_date_mask AS (val DATE) RETURNS DATE ->
        -- these active roles have access to unmasked values 
            THEN val
        -- if a column is tagged with TASTY_PII : BIRTHDAY  
        -- then truncate to 5 year buckets 
            THEN DATE_FROM_PARTS(YEAR(val) - (YEAR(val) % 5),1,1)
        -- if a Date column is not tagged with BIRTHDAY, return NULL

Step 3 - Set Masking Policies on Tagged Columns

Now we are able to use an ALTER TAG statement to set the Masking Policies on the PII tagged columns Please now execute the query in this step, which applies each Masking Policy to the appropriate Tag using ALTER TAG... SET MASKING POLICY command.

This will result in a Statement executed successfully. message.

ALTER TAG tags.tasty_pii SET
    MASKING POLICY governance.tasty_pii_string_mask,
    MASKING POLICY governance.tasty_pii_date_mask;

We can now officially say we have deployed Tag Based Masking Policies. Let's move on to the next step where we will validate our work.

Step 4 - Validating our Work

With Tag Based Masking in-place, let's check things out by first assuming our Test Role and using our Development Warehouse and then beginning to query both raw and downstream data.

Within our first query we will query the Raw layer Customer Loyalty table directly.

USE ROLE tb_test_role;
USE WAREHOUSE tb_dev_wh;

FROM raw_customer.customer_loyalty cl
WHERE cl.country IN ('United States','Canada','Brazil');

Since we reference this raw_customer.customer_loyalty Table in downstream Views let's see if this Masking Policy impacts us there as well. Please kick off the next query which calculates our Customer Loyalty members lifetime_sales_usd totals and sorts them in descending order by this amount.

    SUM(clm.total_sales) AS lifetime_sales_usd
FROM analytics.customer_loyalty_metrics_v clm
WHERE clm.city = 'San Mateo'
GROUP BY clm.customer_id, clm.first_name, clm.last_name, clm.phone_number, clm.e_mail
ORDER BY lifetime_sales_usd;

Step 5 - Click Next –>


Happy with our Tag Based Dynamic Masking controlling masking at the Column level, we will now look to restrict access at the Row level for our Test Role.

Within our Customer Loyalty table, our Test Role should only see Customers who are based in Tokyo. Thankfully, Snowflake has another powerful native Data Governance feature that can handle this at scale called Row Access Policies.

For our use case, we will leverage the mapping table approach.

Step 1 - Creating a Mapping Table

To begin our Row Level Security journey we will start by creating a row_policy_map table that will serve as our Mapping Table which a Row Access Policy condition can reference to filter the query result set.

Let's now kick off the first two queries in this section which will assume the accountadmin Role and create our Mapping Table that will accept Roles and the City they should have permission to see. This will result in Table ROW_POLICY_MAP successfully created..

USE ROLE accountadmin;

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE frostbyte_tasty_bytes.public.row_policy_map
    (role STRING, city_permissions STRING);

Step 2 - Inserting Mapping Records

With our row_policy_map in place, please kick off the next query which will INSERT a record that maps our tb_test_role to Tokyo. This query will result in number of rows insterted: 1.

INSERT INTO governance.row_policy_map
    VALUES ('TB_TEST_ROLE','Tokyo'); 

Step 3 - Creating a Row Access Policy

Now that we have a record in our row_policy_map Table, we can kick off our next query to create our Row Access Policy.

Within this query we are using CREATE ROW ACCESS POLICY that will allow our Admin and Tasty Workload Roles to see all rows but if a user is using a Role that is seen in our Mapping Table they will only be allowed to see the rows relevant to the City they are mapped to. After executing this query you will recieve a Row access policy 'CUSTOMER_CITY_ROW_POLICY' is successfully created. result.

CREATE OR REPLACE ROW ACCESS POLICY governance.customer_city_row_policy
       CURRENT_ROLE() IN ('ACCOUNTADMIN','SYSADMIN') -- list of roles that will not be subject to the policy
        OR EXISTS -- this clause references our mapping table from above to handle the row level filtering
            SELECT rp.role
                FROM governance.row_policy_map rp
            WHERE 1=1
                AND rp.role = CURRENT_ROLE()
                AND rp.city_permissions = city
COMMENT = 'Policy to limit rows returned based on mapping table of ROLE and CITY: governance.row_policy_map';

Step 4 - Applying a Row Access Policy to a Table

Please kick off the next query which will associate our Row Access Policy to our city Column within the customer_loyalty table.

Once complete we will recieve a Statement executed successfully. message indicating our policy is applied.

ALTER TABLE raw_customer.customer_loyalty
    ADD ROW ACCESS POLICY governance.customer_city_row_policy ON (city);

Step 5 - Testing our Row Access Policy in a Non-Privileged Role

With everything in place, we can begin to test that our Row Access Policy is operating as expected. Please now kick off the next two queries which set our tb_test_role Role context and query the customer_loyalty table to return a list of our Customer Loyalty members including a calculated age Column that leverages DATEDIFF and CURRENT_DATE functions.

USE ROLE tb_test_role;

    DATEDIFF(year, cl.birthday_date, CURRENT_DATE()) AS age
FROM raw_customer.customer_loyalty cl SAMPLE (10000 ROWS)
GROUP BY cl.customer_id, cl.first_name, cl.last_name, cl.city, cl.marital_status, age;

Yay! Our Row Access Policy is working as expected and we are also seeing our masking in place since we are using the tby_test_role.

Step 6 - Testing our Row Access Policy Downstream

As we did previously, let's now confirm our Row Access Policy is in effect when we query our downstream Analytics customer_loyalty_metrics_v View by running the next query.

    SUM(clm.total_sales) AS total_sales_usd
FROM analytics.customer_loyalty_metrics_v clm
GROUP BY clm.city;

Just as expected, our Governance features are seen downstream despite only having to define them once and apply them to the Raw Tables our Analytics Views retrieve query results from.

Step 7 - Click Next –>


Outside of the Data Access Policies (Masking and Row Access) we have covered, Snowflake Horizon also provides Privacy Policies. In this section we will cover the ability to set Aggregation Policies on Database Objects which can restrict certain roles to only aggregate data by only allowing for queries that aggregate data into groups of a minimum size versus retrieving individual roles.

For Tasty Bytes and the Test role we have created, let's test an Aggregation Policy ut against our Raw Order Header table.

Step 1 - Creating a Conditional Aggregation Policy

To begin, let's once again assume our Accountadmin role. For our use case, we will create a Conditional Aggregation Policy in our Governance Schema that will only allow queries from non-admin users to return results for queries that aggregate more than 1000 rows. Please kick off the next two queries which will result Aggregation policy 'TASTY_ORDER_TEST_AGGREGATION_POLICY' is successfuly created/.

USE ROLE accountadmin;

CREATE OR REPLACE AGGREGATION POLICY governance.tasty_order_test_aggregation_policy
      ELSE AGGREGATION_CONSTRAINT(MIN_GROUP_SIZE => 1000) -- atleast 1000 rows in aggregate

Step 2 - Setting our Aggregation Policy on a Table

With the Aggregation Policy created, let's apply it to our Order Header table in the next query which will return a Statement executed successully. message.

ALTER TABLE raw_pos.order_header
    SET AGGREGATION POLICY governance.tasty_order_test_aggregation_policy;

Step 3 - Testing our Aggregation Policy

Now let's test our work by assuming our Test Role and executing a few queries against the order_header table. Please execute the next two queries which will set our role and run a TOP 10 SELECT statement from the table.

USE ROLE tb_test_role;

SELECT TOP 10 * FROM raw_pos.order_header;

Run the next query to see what happens if we include over 1000 rows.

Step 4 - Conducting Aggregate Analysis

Bringing in the Customer Loyalty table that we have previously:

Let's answer a few aggregate questions that the business has presented to our Analyst.

Question 1 - What are the total order amounts by gender?

    COUNT(oh.order_id) AS count_order,
    SUM(oh.order_amount) AS order_total
FROM raw_pos.order_header oh
JOIN raw_customer.customer_loyalty cl
    ON oh.customer_id = cl.customer_id
ORDER BY order_total DESC;

Question 2 - What are the total order amounts by Postal Code?

    COUNT(oh.order_id) AS count_order,
    SUM(oh.order_amount) AS order_total
FROM raw_pos.order_header oh
JOIN raw_customer.customer_loyalty cl
    ON oh.customer_id = cl.customer_id
ORDER BY order_total DESC;


Within this step, we will cover another Privacy Policy framework provided by Snowflake Horizon, this time diving into Projection Policies which in short will prevent queries from using a SELECT statement to project values from a column.

Step 1 - Creating a Conditional Projection Policy

For our use case, we will create a Conditional Projection Policy in our Governance Schema that will only allow our Admin Roles to project the columns we will assign it to. Please execute the next two queries which will assume our accountadmin Role and create our tasty_customer_test_projection_policy Projection Policy. This will result in Projection policy 'TASTY_CUSTOMER_TEST_PROJECTION_POLICY' is successfully created.

USE ROLE accountadmin;

CREATE OR REPLACE PROJECTION POLICY governance.tasty_customer_test_projection_policy

Step 2 - Applying our Projection Policy to our Postal Code column

With the Projection Policy in place, let's assign it to our Postal Code column by executing the query below. This will result in a Statement executed successfully. message.

ALTER TABLE raw_customer.customer_loyalty
 MODIFY COLUMN postal_code
 SET PROJECTION POLICY governance.tasty_customer_test_projection_policy; 

Step 3 - Testing our Projection Policy

Now we can move on to testing our Projection Policy by first assuming our tb_test_role Role and running a SELECT TOP 100 * query against our customer_loyalty table.

USE ROLE tb_test_role;

SELECT TOP 100 * FROM raw_customer.customer_loyalty;

Let's execute the next query to see what happens if we EXCLUDE the postal_code column.

SELECT TOP 100 * EXCLUDE postal_code FROM raw_customer.customer_loyalty;

Step 4 - Click Next –>


In some cases, you may not know if there is sensitive data in a table. Snowflake Horizon provides the capability to attempt to automatically detect sensitive information and apply relevant Snowflake system defined privacy tags.

Classification is a multi-step process that associates Snowflake-defined system tags to columns by analyzing the fields and metadata for personal data. Data Classification can be done via SQL or the Snowsight interface.

Within this step we will be using SQL to classify a single table as well as all tables within a schema.

To learn how to complete Data Classification within the Snowsight interface, please see the following documentation:

Using Snowsight to classify tables in a schema • https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/governance-classify-using#using-sf-web-interface-to-classify-tables-in-a-schema


As our Raw Customer Schema only includes one table, let's use SYSTEM$CLASSIFY against it after we assume our accountadmin role. Please execute the next two queries.

USE ROLE accountadmin;

CALL SYSTEM$CLASSIFY('raw_customer.customer_loyalty', {'auto_tag': true});

Now let's view the new Tags Snowflake applied automatically via Data Classification by executing the next query.

SELECT * FROM TABLE(information_schema.tag_references_all_columns('raw_customer.customer_loyalty','table'));


As our Raw Point-of-Sale Schema includes numerous tables, let's use SYSTEM$CLASSIFY_SCHEMA against it in our next query.

CALL SYSTEM$CLASSIFY_SCHEMA('raw_pos', {'auto_tag': true});

Once again, let's view the Tags applied using the Franchise table within the Schema.

SELECT * FROM TABLE(information_schema.tag_references_all_columns('raw_pos.franchise','table'));

Step 3 - Click Next –>


Snowflake provides the CUSTOM_CLASSIFIER class in the SNOWFLAKE.DATA_PRIVACY schema to enable Data Engineers to extend their Data Classification capabilities based on their own knowledge of their data.

In this step, we will cover creating and deploying a Customer Classifier to identify Placekey location identifiers across our data.

Step 1 - Exploring our Data

To begin, let's take a look at our Location table where we know Placekey is present so that we can see what they look like.

    TOP 10 *
FROM raw_pos.location
WHERE city = 'London';

Step 2 - Creating our Classifiers Schema and Placekey Custom Classifier

Let's now create a Classifier Schema to store our Classifiers in by running the next query. This will result in a Schema CLASSIFIERS successfully created. message.

    COMMENT = 'Schema containing Custom Classifiers';

With our schema available, let's now create our placekey Custom Classifier by executing the next query which will provide a Instance PLACEKEY successfully created. message.

CREATE OR REPLACE snowflake.data_privacy.custom_classifier classifiers.placekey();

Step 3 - Adding REGEX to our Placekey Custom Classifier

Next let's test the Regular Expression (Regex) that our Data Engineer has created to locate the Placekey value by running our next query.

FROM raw_pos.location
WHERE placekey REGEXP('^[a-zA-Z0-9\d]{3}-[a-zA-Z0-9\d]{3,4}@[a-zA-Z0-9\d]{3}-[a-zA-Z0-9\d]{3}-.*$');

Let's now use the ADD_REGEX method to assign this to our Placekey Classifier

CALL placekey!ADD_REGEX(
  'PLACEKEY', -- semantic category
  'IDENTIFIER', -- privacy category
  '^[a-zA-Z0-9\d]{3}-[a-zA-Z0-9\d]{3,4}@[a-zA-Z0-9\d]{3}-[a-zA-Z0-9\d]{3}-.*$', -- regex expression
  'PLACEKEY*', --column name regex
  'Add a regex to identify Placekey' -- description

With the details in place, we can now use the LIST method to validate our work

SELECT placekey!LIST();

Step 4 - Using our Placekey Custom Classifier

Let's now use SYSTEM$CLASSIFY and our Classifier against the Location table

CALL SYSTEM$CLASSIFY('raw_pos.location', {'custom_classifiers': ['placekey'], 'auto_tag':true});

To finish, let's confirm our Placekey column was successfully tagged

FROM TABLE(information_schema.tag_references_all_columns('raw_pos.location','table'))
WHERE tag_value = 'PLACEKEY';

Moving forward as Schemas or Tables are created and updated we can use this exact process of Automatic and Custom Classification to maintain a strong governance posture and build rich semantic-layer metadata.


Access History provides insights into user queries encompassing what data was read and when, as well as what statements have performed a write operations.

For Tasty Bytes, Access History is particularly important for Compliance, Auditing, and Governance.

Within this step, we will walk through leveraging Access History to find when the last time our Raw data was read from and written to.

Step 1 - Leveraging Access History

By executing the next query we will see how many queries have accessed each of your Raw layer tables directly.

    value:"objectName"::STRING AS object_name,
    COUNT(DISTINCT query_id) AS number_of_queries
FROM snowflake.account_usage.access_history,
LATERAL FLATTEN (input => direct_objects_accessed)
WHERE object_name ILIKE 'tb_101.raw_%'
GROUP BY object_name
ORDER BY number_of_queries DESC;

*Please note your results may not match the image above*

Within the next query we will determined what is the breakdown between Read and Write queries and when did they last occur.

    value:"objectName"::STRING AS object_name,
        WHEN object_modified_by_ddl IS NOT NULL THEN 'write'
        ELSE 'read'
    END AS query_type,
    COUNT(DISTINCT query_id) AS number_of_queries,
    MAX(query_start_time) AS last_query_start_time
FROM snowflake.account_usage.access_history,
LATERAL FLATTEN (input => direct_objects_accessed)
WHERE object_name ILIKE 'tb_101.raw_%'
GROUP BY object_name, query_type
ORDER BY object_name, number_of_queries DESC;

*Please note your results may not match the image above*

To wrap things up, our last query will determine how many queries have accessed each of our Raw layer tables indirectly.

    base.value:"objectName"::STRING AS object_name,
    COUNT(DISTINCT query_id) AS number_of_queries
FROM snowflake.account_usage.access_history,
LATERAL FLATTEN (input => base_objects_accessed) base,
LATERAL FLATTEN (input => direct_objects_accessed) direct,
    AND object_name ILIKE 'tb_101.raw_%'
    AND object_name <> direct.value:"objectName"::STRING -- base object is not direct object
GROUP BY object_name
ORDER BY number_of_queries DESC;

Step 2 - Click Next –>


Having explored a wide variety of Governance functionality available in Snowflake, it is time to put it all together with Universal Search.

Universal Search enables Tasty Bytes to easily find Account objects, Snowflake Marketplace listings, relevant Snowflake Documentation and Snowflake Community Knowledge Base articles.

Universal Search understands your query and information about your database objects and can find objects with names that differ from your search terms.

Even if you misspell or type only part of your search term, you can still see useful results.

Step 1 - Universal Search

To leverage Universal Search in Snowsight:

Step 2 - Click Next –>


Fantastic work! You have successfully completed the Tasty Bytes - Zero to Snowflake - Governance with Snowflake Horizon Quickstart.

By doing so you have now:

If you would like to re-run this Quickstart please leverage the Reset scripts in the bottom of your associated Worksheet.

Next Steps

To continue your journey in the Snowflake AI Data Cloud, please now visit the link below to see all other Powered by Tasty Bytes - Quickstarts available to you.