Tasty Bytes, a fictitious company, is one of the largest food truck networks in the world with localized menu options spread across 15 food truck brands globally. Tasty Bytes is aiming to achieve 25% YoY sales growth over 5 years. Price optimization enables Tasty Bytes to achieve this goal by determining the right prices for their menu items to maximize profitability while maintaining customer satisfaction.

In this Quickstart, we will train & deploy an ML model which leverages historical menu-item sale data to understand how menu-item demand changes with varying price. By utilizing this trained model, we would recommend the optimal day of week prices for all menu-items for the upcoming month to our food-truck brands. Afterward, we will showcase an application that can be built and deployed to allow business users to submit data into Snowflake and interact directly with an ML model.

What You Will Build

You will build a Streamlit in Snowflake (SiS) application that will show the recommended price per item per day-of-week and the profit lift over the current price. We will allow users to change prices and see the impact on demand and profit.

What You Will Learn

We will implement price optimization for their diversified food-truck brands to inform their pricing and promotions by utilizing Snowflake Notebooks and Streamlit to:



You will use Snowsight, the Snowflake web interface to:

Creating Objects, Loading Data, and Joining Data


At Tasty Bytes, brand managers are responsible for setting their food-truck brand's menu item prices for the upcoming month. By default, price for the upcoming month is set to the current price. As Tasty Byte Data Scientists, we want to create a user-friendly way for brand managers to use ML-models to inform their pricing and increase the company's profits.

Setting Up Snowflake Notebook

You will use Snowsight, the Snowflake web interface, to create a Snowflake Notebook by importing the notebook


At Tasty Bytes, brand managers are responsible for setting their food-truck brand's menu item prices for the upcoming month. By default, price for the upcoming month is set to the current price. As Tasty Bytes Data Scientists, we want to create a user-friendly way for brand managers to use ML-models to inform their pricing and increase the company's profits. We will build a Streamlit in Snowflake (SiS) application that will show the recommended price per item per day-of-week and the profit lift over the current price. We will allow users to change prices and see the impact on demand and profit. Finalized prices will be saved back to Snowflake. The app will be secure and low-maintenance as it will be deployed through Snowflake.


The purpose of this final step is to showcase how easily an application can be built and deployed to allow business users to submit data into Snowflake and interact directly with a ML model. We will build a Streamlit App on the fly in Snowflake to support Tasty Bytes' brand managers in deciding monthly pricing.

Create Streamlit Application

# Import python packages
import streamlit as st
from snowflake.snowpark.context import get_active_session
import snowflake.snowpark.functions as F
from snowflake.ml.registry.registry import Registry
import snowflake.snowpark.types as T

# Write directly to the app
st.title("Monthly Pricing App :truck:")
    """Navigate to a food truck brand and menu item. Set the day-of-week 
    pricing for the upcoming month. Click **"Update Prices"** to 
    submit finalized pricing.

# Get the current credentials
session = get_active_session()

# Get data and add a comment for columns
df = session.table("pricing").with_column("comment", F.lit(""))

# Dynamic filters
brand = st.selectbox("Brand:", df.select("brand").distinct())
item = st.selectbox(
    "Item:", df.filter(F.col("brand") == brand).select("item").distinct()

# Provide instructions for updating pricing and using recommendations
    View price recommendations and profit lift over current month pricing.
    Adjust **NEW_PRICE** to see the impact on demand and profit.

# Display and get updated prices from the data editor object
set_prices = session.create_dataframe(
        df.filter((F.col("brand") == brand) & (F.col("item") == item))

# Add a subheader
st.subheader("Forecasted Item Demand Based on Price")

# Define model input features
feature_cols = [

# Get demand estimation
df_demand = set_prices.join(
    session.table("pricing_detail"), ["brand", "item", "day_of_week"]
).withColumn("price",F.col("new_price")).withColumn("price_change",F.col("PRICE")- F.col("base_price"))

# Get demand estimator model from registry
reg = Registry(session=session)
demand_estimator = reg.get_model("DEMAND_ESTIMATION_MODEL").default

for col in feature_cols :
        df_demand = df_demand.withColumn(col+"_NEW",F.col(col).cast(T.DoubleType())).drop(col).rename(col+"_NEW",col)

df_demand = demand_estimator.run(df_demand, function_name="predict")\

# Demand lift
demand_lift = df_demand.select(
            (F.sum("new_price_demand") - F.sum("current_price_demand"))
            / F.sum("current_price_demand")
        * 100,

# Profit lift
profit_lift = (
        * (F.col("new_price") - F.col("item_cost") + F.col("average_basket_profit")),
                (F.sum("new_price_profit") - F.sum("current_price_profit"))
                / F.sum("current_price_profit")
            * 100,

# Show KPIs
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
col1.metric("Total Weekly Demand Lift (%)", demand_lift)
col2.metric("Total Weekly Profit Lift (%)", profit_lift)

# Plot demand
    df_demand.with_column("current_price_demand", F.col("current_price_demand") * 0.97),

# Button to submit pricing
if st.button("Update Prices"):
    set_prices.with_column("timestamp", F.current_timestamp()).write.mode(

# Expander to view submitted pricing
with st.expander("View Submitted Prices"):

Remove Snowflake Objects

USE ROLE securityadmin;
DROP ROLE IF EXISTS tb_po_data_scientist;
USE ROLE accountadmin;


Congrats! You've successfully created a user-friendly way to use ML-models to inform pricing and increase the fictitious company, Tasty Bytes', profits. You also built a Streamlit in Snowflake (SiS) application that shows the recommended price per item per day-of-week and profit lift over the current price.

What You Learned

With the completion of this Quickstart, you have now delved into:
