S3 access logging allows for auditing of operations preformed on objects in an S3 bucket. Like CloudTrail events, S3 access logs will provide information about accessed objects, actors preforming those actions and the actions themselves. S3 access logs contain additional fields and may log events not logged in CloudTrail. Importantly to note is that they are delivered on a best effort basis and may not contain every action. More information about S3 access logs and CloudTrail can be found in the official documentation.

This quickstart is a guide to ingesting and processing S3 Access Logs into snowflake. It provides detailed instructions for configuring an automated ingestion and processing pipeline as well as example queries for data loss prevention and incident response.



An architecture diagram of the ingestion process, described in detail below S3 access logs are configured to log to a separate bucket which serves as a snowflake external stage. When log files are created, an event notification triggers and SQS queue which triggers Snowpipe to copy logs to a staging table. A stream of incoming

See here for more detailed instructions.

  1. In the Buckets list, choose the bucket you want to enable logs on
  2. Look for the properties flag, in the server access logging area, select Edit.
  3. Enable server access logging and choose a bucket/prefix for the target bucket

A screenshot of the edit server access logging page. It was the enable radio button selected and a target bucked specified

Note: S3 access logging may take some time to start creating records.

Replace <RoleName> with the desired name of the role you'd like snowflake to use ( this role will be created in the next step). Replace <BUCKET_NAME>/path/to/logs/ with the path to your S3 Access logs as set in the previous step

create STORAGE INTEGRATION s3_int_s3_access_logs
  STORAGE_AWS_ROLE_ARN = 'arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER>:role/<RoleName>'

DESC INTEGRATION s3_int_s3_access_logs;


A screenshot showing the result of describing an integration. STORAGE_AWS_IAM_USER_ARN property is in the format of an aws ARN set to arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/abc10000-a and the STORAGE_AWS_EXTERNAL_ID is in the format of ABC12345_SFCRole=1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWXYZab=

The following assumes a user with the ability to create and manage IAM logged into the AWS console or using the CLI. A full explanation can be found in this documentation

Open up Cloudshell in the AWS console by pressing the aws cloudshell icon icon on the right side of the top navigation bar or run the following commands in your terminal once configured to use the AWS CLI.

Export the following variables, replacing the values with your own

export PREFIX='<PREFIX>' # no leading or trailing slashes

Create a role for Snowflake to assume

aws iam create-role \
    --role-name "${ROLE_NAME}" \
    --assume-role-policy-document \
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "'${STORAGE_AWS_IAM_USER_ARN}'"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "sts:ExternalId": "'${STORAGE_AWS_EXTERNAL_ID}'"

Create an inline-policy to allow snowflake to add and remove files from S3

aws iam put-role-policy \
    --role-name "${ROLE_NAME}" \
    --policy-name "${ROLE_NAME}-inlinepolicy" \
    --policy-document \
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::'${BUCKET_NAME}'/'${PREFIX}'/*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::'${BUCKET_NAME}'",
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "s3:prefix": [

You will now be able to see your role, policy and trust relationship in the console

Screenshot of snowflake source displayed in AWS IAM

This quickstart requires a warehouse to perform computation and ingestion. We recommend creating a separate warehouse for security related analytics if one does not exist. The following will create a medium sized single cluster warehouse that suspends after 1 minute of inactivity. For production workloads a larger warehouse will likely be required.

create warehouse security_quickstart with 

S3 Access logs are in a non-standard format which we will be parsing with a custom function later on. For now we will create a file format to import logs unparsed.


Create External Stage using the storage integration and test that snowflake can test files. Make sure you include the trailing slash if using a prefix.

create stage s3_access_logs
  url = 's3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<PREFIX>/'
  storage_integration = s3_int_s3_access_logs

list @s3_access_logs;

Screenshot of listing files in external stage

Create a table to store the raw logs

create table s3_access_logs_staging(
    raw TEXT,
    timestamp DATETIME

Create a stream on the table to track changes, this will be used to trigger processing later on

create stream s3_access_logs_stream on table s3_access_logs_staging;

Test Injection from External Stage

copy into s3_access_logs_staging from (
  current_timestamp() as timestamp 

Screenshot showing result of above copy into command, for all files the status column shows &ldquo;LOADED&rdquo;

Verify the logs were loaded properly

select * from public.s3_access_logs_staging limit 5;

The following instructions depend on a Snowflake account running on AWS. Accounts running on other cloud providers may invoke snowpipe from a rest endpoint. https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/data-load-snowpipe-rest.html

Configure the Snowflake snowpipe

create pipe public.s3_access_logs_pipe auto_ingest=true as
  copy into s3_access_logs_staging from (
      current_timestamp() as timestamp 
  FROM @s3_access_logs (FILE_FORMAT => TEXT_FORMAT) STG

Show pipe to retrieve SQS queue ARN

show pipes;

Screenshot showing output of show pipes command

Setup S3 bucket with following AWS instructions.

Target Bucket -> Open property -> Select "Create Event notification"

Screenshot of empty event notifications dashboard in AWS

Fill out below items

Screenshot of create event notification form in AWS console

Screenshot of destination configuration in create event notification form in AWS console

Event notification has been created Screenshot of event notifications dashboard with created notification in AWS

Refresh Snowpipe to retrieve unloaded files

alter pipe s3_access_logs_pipe refresh;

You can confirm also if snowpipe worked properly

select *
  from table(snowflake.information_schema.pipe_usage_history(

Now that the raw data is loaded into Snowflake, we will create a custom python function to parse and clean up the raw logs.

Create a python user defined table function (UDTF) to process logs. This will return a table.

create or replace function parse_s3_access_logs(log STRING)
returns table (
    bucketowner STRING,bucket_name STRING,requestdatetime STRING,remoteip STRING,requester STRING,
    requestid STRING,operation STRING,key STRING,request_uri STRING,httpstatus STRING,errorcode STRING,
    bytessent BIGINT,objectsize BIGINT,totaltime STRING,turnaroundtime STRING,referrer STRING, useragent STRING,
    versionid STRING,hostid STRING,sigv STRING,ciphersuite STRING,authtype STRING,endpoint STRING,tlsversion STRING)
language python
as $$
import re
class S3AccessLogParser:
    def clean(self,field):
        field = field.strip(' " " ')
        if field == '-':
            field = None
        return field
    def process(self, log):
        pattern = '([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) \\[(.*?)\\] ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) (\"[^\"]*\"|-) (-|[0-9]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) (\"[^\"]*\"|-) ([^ ]*)(?: ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*))?.*$'
        lines = re.findall(pattern,log,re.M)
        for line in lines:

Test the parsing function if desired

select parsed_logs.*
    from s3_access_logs_staging
    join table(parse_s3_access_logs(s3_access_logs_staging.raw)) parsed_logs;

Create table to hold the parsed logs

create or replace table s3_access_logs(
 bucketowner STRING,bucket_name STRING,requestdatetime STRING,remoteip STRING,requester STRING,
    requestid STRING,operation STRING,key STRING,request_uri STRING,httpstatus STRING,errorcode STRING,
    bytessent BIGINT,objectsize BIGINT,totaltime STRING,turnaroundtime STRING,referrer STRING, useragent STRING,
    versionid STRING,hostid STRING,sigv STRING,ciphersuite STRING,authtype STRING,endpoint STRING,tlsversion STRING

Create a scheduled task that processes logs from staging table as they are ingested a task and the stream created earlier. Will run every ten minutes if there are logs in the stream.

create or replace task s3_access_logs_transformation
warehouse = security_quickstart
schedule = '10 minute'
insert into s3_access_logs (select parsed_logs.*
    from s3_access_logs_stream
    join table(parse_s3_access_logs(s3_access_logs_stream.raw)) parsed_logs
    where s3_access_logs_stream.metadata$action = 'INSERT'
--Task must be "resumed" after creation
alter task s3_access_logs_transformation resume;

After the task runs, very that the data was parsed. If you don't wish to wait either reduce the time specified in schedule or run the above insert into command manually.

Create a workbook to query the new view. If desired, use the following to help get you started:

-- Investigate who deleted which object
SELECT RequestDateTime, RemoteIP, Requester, Key 
FROM s3_access_logs_db.mybucket_logs 
WHERE key = 'path/to/object' AND operation like '%DELETE%';

-- IPs by number of requests
select count(*),REMOTEIP from s3_access_logs group by remoteip order by count(*) desc;

-- IPs by traffic
    SUM(bytessent) AS uploadTotal,
    SUM(objectsize) AS downloadTotal,
    SUM(ZEROIFNULL(bytessent) + ZEROIFNULL(objectsize)) AS Total
FROM s3_access_logs
group by REMOTEIP
order by total desc;

-- Access denied errors
SELECT * FROM s3_access_logs WHERE httpstatus = '403';
-- All actions for a specific user
FROM s3_access_logs_db.mybucket_logs 
WHERE requester='arn:aws:iam::123456789123:user/user_name';

-- Show anonymous requests
FROM s3_access_logs
WHERE Requester IS NULL;

Having completed this quickstart you have successfully:

Additional References