This Quickstart shows how to use Fluentd to send system event logs to Snowflake for use as a SIEM or for log storage. We use Apache HTTP Server to generate access log files, which we upload as gzip files to an S3 external stage. Next, we set up Snowpipe to retrieve the gzip files from the external stage and import them into Snowflake. Finally we use Snowsight to visualize log events.

What is Fluentd?

Fluentd is open-source software that parses event logs, application logs, and clickstreams, converts the semi- or un-structured data to structured data, and stores the structured data in an S3 bucket. To learn more about Fluentd, see:

What You'll Learn


Prior to starting you should:

Fluentd + Snowflake Integration Architecture

Logical diagram showing how Fluentd integrates with Snowflake

After deploying Amazon Linux from the official AWS AMI, log in to Linux:

Ensure that the security group configuration only has the necessary ports open.

Install Apache2, start the service, and set up auto-run:

sudo yum update
sudo yum -y install httpd
sudo systemctl start httpd.service
sudo systemctl enable httpd.service

Create a test web page:

sudo sh -c 'echo "hello world" > /var/www/html/index.html'

Open a browser and enter the target server's IP address in the address bar. You should see a page similar to the following with the text "hello world!!"

Screen capture shows the text “hello world!!"

Run the following command to verify that the access log shows recent access:

 sudo cat /var/log/httpd/access_log

Install Fluentd, start the service, and set up auto-run:

curl -L | sh
sudo systemctl start td-agent.service

Change the permissions for the httpd file and folder to allow Fluentd to retrieve access logs:

sudo chmod o+rx /var/log/httpd/
sudo chmod o+rx /var/log/httpd/*

Create a buffer folder to upload data to S3:

sudo mkdir /var/log/td-agent/s3
sudo chown td-agent:td-agent /var/log/td-agent/s3

Open the Fluentd configuration file:

sudo vi /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf

Paste the following command into the file and update the S3 bucket information:

  @type tail
  path /var/log/httpd/access_log
  pos_file /var/log/td-agent/apache2.access_log.pos
    @type apache2
  tag s3.apache.access
<match s3.*.*>
  @type s3
  aws_key_id [AWS Access Key]
  aws_sec_key [AWS Secret key]
  s3_bucket [S3 Bucket Name, Ex:masaya-s3-northeast-1-external-stage]
  path logs/

    @type file
    path /var/log/td-agent/s3
    timekey 60  # 1 min
    timekey_wait 1m
    chunk_limit_size 256m

  time_slice_format %Y%m%d%H

Reboot Fluentd:

sudo service td-agent restart

Confirm that the Apache access logs were uploaded to S3 as gzip files. This may take a few minutes.

The data should look similar to the following (CSV, tabs are the delimiters):

Use an IAM role that can retrieve data from S3 to create a storage integration. To get the STORAGE_AWS_ROLE_ARN, see Configuring Secure Access to Amazon S3 and complete the steps.

use role accountadmin;
create STORAGE INTEGRATION s3_int_fluentd
  STORAGE_AWS_ROLE_ARN = 'arn:aws:iam::xx:role/[RoleName]'
  STORAGE_ALLOWED_LOCATIONS = ('s3://masaya-s3-northeast-1-external-stage/logs/')

DESC INTEGRATION s3_int_fluentd;

Create the external stage:

create stage fluentd_stage
  url = 's3://[BUCKET_NAME]/logs/'
  storage_integration = s3_int_fluentd

Verify that Snowflake can list S3 files:

list @fluentd_stage;

Create the file format (Fluentd's delimiter is the tab = \t):

create or replace file format fluentd_format
  type = csv
  field_delimiter = '\t'  

Create a table:

create table public.logs(
  time DATETIME,
  tag STRING,
  record VARIANT

Test the injection from the external stage:

copy into public.logs
  from @fluentd_stage
  file_format = (format_name = fluentd_format);

Select the data:

select * from public.logs;

The parsed log should be stored as JSON in the "RECORD" column.

Configure Snowflake Snowpipe:

create pipe fluentd.public.mypipe auto_ingest=true as
  copy into fluentd.public.logs
  from @fluentd.public.fluentd_stage
  file_format = fluentd.public.fluentd_format

Run show pipes to retrieve the SQS queue ARN:

show pipes;

Set up the S3 bucket by following these steps: Enabling and configuring event notifications using the Amazon S3 console. Choose Target Bucket > Open property. Select Create Event notification.

Complete the form:

The event notification has been created:

Refresh Snowpipe to retrieve any unloaded files, then un the select command to load unloaded data:

alter pipe mypipe refresh;
select * from public.logs;

After awhile, data may be injected automatically:

select * from public.logs order by TIME DESC;

To verify that Snowpipe worked properly, run the following:

use role accountadmin;
select *
  from table(snowflake.information_schema.pipe_usage_history(

Since parsed logs are stored as JSON in the RECORD column, you can set up Snowsight to visualize log events.

Example 1: To make a Snowsight dashboard, copy and paste the following code:

WHERE time > (select dateadd(day, -1, getdate()));

Example 2: TIME count = Bar, TIME none = X-Axis

Web Server Access History per Hour

Example 3: TIME count = Bar, RECORD:HOST none = X-Axis Source IP List

Example 4: TIME count = Bar, RECORD:HOST none = Series, RECORD:CODE none = X-Axis Response Code & Source IP

Example 5: Code 408 is connection time out = maybe DDOS or CPU shortage.

Congratulations! You learned how to configure Fluentd to send system event logs to Snowflake, and how to use Snowsight to visualize log events! Consolidating log files in Snowflake makes it possible to develop a single dashboard to monitor security activity across your network.

What You Learned

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