This guide will show you how to connect your Snowflake AI Data Cloud to Improvado platform, manage user & data access, and understand how AI Agent uses your Snowflake data for analytics & marketing data governance.

Improvado Platform Overview

Improvado is an AI-powered composable marketing analytics & intelligence platform that provides secure and efficient data integration with Snowflake.

Improvado platform is comprised of two main components: Data Platform and AI Agent.

Improvado's core product focuses on providing robust Extract, Load, Transform (ELT) capabilities. It supports over 500 data sources for seamless data extraction and load.

On top of the core platform, the AI Agent enhances the value of your data by providing advanced analytics and governance capabilities. Our AI Agent offers several advanced features:

This layered approach ensures that Improvado not only integrates and processes data effectively but also enriches it with insights and governance for better decision-making.

The following diagram illustrates the overview of Improvado platform capabilities:


Additionally, Improvado offers a custom Marketing Data Governance solution to ensure compliance with marketing guidelines, maintaining high data quality and consistency.



What you'll learn

In this step, we'll learn how to connect your Snowflake schema to Improvado. Improvado integrates with Snowflake using a native Python Connector, ensuring efficient data transfers and fast updates.

Connecting a Data source

Connecting a Data source in Improvado enables you to extract data and then load it into your analytics and reporting frameworks. Improvado offers 500+ integrations with Marketing, eCommerce, CRM, Flat Data, SEO & SEM, and many other providers.


Follow these simple steps to connect a data source: Go to the Data sources page and select a necessary Data source to extract your data Enter required credentials or authorize using OAuth (depending on Data source API capabilities) Then, you'll be redirected to the Connection Details page, where you can set up data extraction.

Step 1. Database permissions

Now you'll need to grant the following permissions to your Snowflake database schema:

Step 2. Select a destination

Log in to the Improvado platform and navigate to the Destinations page from the left-hand side menu. This page is a catalog of all the available destinations for data loading.


Click on the Snowflake tile.

Step 3. Complete configuration

On the Snowflake connection page, fill in the following fields:

  1. Enter a name for your Destination connection in the Title.
  2. Enter the Account.
  3. Enter the User Name.
  4. Enter the Password.
  5. Enter the Database Name.
  6. Enter the Warehouse.
  7. Specify the Schema of your database.
  8. Enter the Role.
    • The SYSADMIN role should be granted to the specified user. Make sure you're using a non-public role because it doesn't have enough permissions for the load process.
  9. Select the necessary Use static IP option from the dropdown.

AI Agent and your Snowflake data

After successfully connecting your Snowflake database, Improvado AI Agent will automatically analyze data in your Snowflake storage and generate metadata for accurate analytics reports and consistent Marketing Data Governance workflows.

How to access your data using Snowsight

  1. Sign in to your Snowflake account.


  1. Go to the Databases tab to see a full list of databases in your Snowflake instance.


  1. Select the necessary schema to where you've setup Data Load to see a list of its tables.


  1. To query your data, you'll need to create a new SQL Worksheet. First, go to the Projects > Worksheets page. Click the Plus button and select SQL Worksheet from the dropdown.


  1. Here you can select the necessary table that you want to query using SQL and see its structure.


  1. Check the data loaded to this table in the Results view or create a Chart to help you visualize it.


In this step, we will learn about Data Privacy policies and rules within Improvado & Snowflake.

Improvado AI Agent is compatible with any Row Access Policies you've set up in Snowflake. Improvado enforces data governance policies such as access controls and quality standards right from the metadata level. This ensures that your data governance workflows are consistent and reliable.

You can check Improvado's Privacy Policy for more details.

User access management in Improvado

We also provide tools to manage user access within the Improvado platform.

Workspaces allow for access management and control within a single Improvado instance. This is especially helpful if you want to separate data by specific Products or Client accounts, ensuring a structured and simplified experience.


The AI Agent automatically scans and collects metadata for each table, column and row values in your Snowflake storage. This step is crucial as it enables the AI Agent to understand the structure and relationships within your database.

Improvado's integration with Snowflake ensures that your analytics, machine learning, and ETL services are all connected within a unified platform. This integration simplifies the data management process and enhances the overall efficiency of your data workflows.

By leveraging these capabilities, Improvado facilitates efficient data access and consumption, providing you with the tools necessary to extract valuable insights and maintain robust data governance practices.

Billing dashboard

Improvado Billing Dashboard offers an in-depth analysis of your data usage, providing crucial segmented insights into extracted rows over your usage period. It also includes interactive features, enhancing your ability to examine and understand the data in a more dynamic and effective manner.

Billing dashboard

In this guide, we learned how to connect your Snowflake data to Improvado for analytics & governance.

Improvado provides significant value to Snowflake users and allows you to:


Learn more