What is Snowpark?

The set of libraries and runtimes in Snowflake that securely deploy and process non-SQL code, including Python, Java and Scala.

Familiar Client Side Libraries - Snowpark brings deeply integrated, DataFrame-style programming and OSS compatible APIs to the languages data practitioners like to use. It also includes the Snowpark ML API for more efficient ML modeling (public preview) and ML operations (private preview).

Flexible Runtime Constructs - Snowpark provides flexible runtime constructs that allow users to bring in and run custom logic. Developers can seamlessly build data pipelines, ML models, and data applications with User-Defined Functions and Stored Procedures.

Learn more about Snowpark.


What is Snowpark ML?

Snowpark ML is a new library for faster and more intuitive end-to-end ML development in Snowflake. Snowpark ML has 2 APIs: Snowpark ML Modeling (in Public Preview) for model development and Snowpark ML Operations (in Private Preview) for model deployment.

This quickstart will focus on the Snowpark ML Modeling API, which scales out feature engineering and simplifies ML training execution in Snowflake.

The source code for this quickstart is available on GitHub.


What You'll Learn

What You'll Need

What You'll Build

You will build an end-to-end data science workflow

The end-to-end workflow will look like this:


You are part of a team of data engineers and data scientists at a banking company that has been tasked to identify high-risk customers using a machine learning based solution. The goal is to give a recommendation to either approve or reject the issueing of a credit card.

To build this, you have access to customer demographic and credit history data. Using Snowpark, we will ingest, analyze and transform this data to train a model that will then be deployed inside Snowflake to score new data.

The dataset you are using is part of a Kaggle competition that can be found here:
Kaggle: Credit Card Approval Prediction

Let's set up the Python environment necessary to run this quickstart:

First, clone the source code for this repo to your local environment:

git clone https://github.com/Snowflake-Labs/sfguide-getting-started-machine-learning.git
cd sfguide-getting-started-machine-learning/

Snowpark Python via Anaconda

If you are using Anaconda on your local machine, create a conda env for this quickstart:

conda env create -f conda_env.yml
conda activate pysnowpark

Conda will automatically install snowflake-snowpark-python and all other dependencies for you.

Now, launch Jupyter Notebook on your local machine:

jupyter notebook

Snowpark with your own Environment

If you decide to bring your own Python environment, please make sure to install all of the required packages from the conda_env.yml

What You'll Do:

First of all, locate the following information:

You'll need these values to connect to your Snowflake Account via Snowpark.

After that, open up the 0_setup_environment Jupyter notebook and run each of the cells to setup your Snowflake Account and load the required datasets into Snowflake.


What You'll Do:

Open up the 1_1_DEMO_basic_data_exploration_transformation Jupyter notebook and run each of the cells.


What You'll Do:

Open up the 1_2_EXERCISE_basic_data_exploration_transformation Jupyter notebook and develop/adjust the code to solve the tasks.


You can verify your excercise results by having a look at the solution provided in the 1_2_SOLUTION_basic_data_exploration_transformation Jupyter notebook.


What You'll Do:

Open up the 1_3_DEMO_full_data_exploration_transformation Jupyter notebook and run each of the cells.


What You'll Do:

Open up the 2_1_DEMO_model_building_scoring Jupyter notebook and run each of the cells.


What You'll Do:

For XGBoost:
Open up the 3_1_EXERCISE_additional_models_xgboost Jupyter notebook and develop/adjust the code to solve the tasks.

For LightGBM:
Open up the 3_2_EXERCISE_additional_models_lightgbm Jupyter notebook and develop/adjust the code to solve the tasks.


For XGBoost:
You can verify your excercise results by having a look at the solution provided in the 3_1_SOLUTION_additional_models_xgboost Jupyter notebook.

For LightGBM:
You can verify your excercise results by having a look at the solution provided in the 3_2_SOLUTION_additional_models_lightgbm Jupyter notebook.


What You'll Do:

Open up the 4_1_DEMO_hyperparameter_tuning_gridsearch Jupyter notebook and run each of the cells.

Through this Quickstart we were able to experience how Snowpark for Python enables you to use familiar syntax and constructs to process data where it lives with Snowflake's elastic, scalable and secure engine, accelerating the path to production for data pipelines and ML workflows. Here's what you were able to complete:

For more information on Snowpark Python, and Machine Learning in Snowflake, check out the following resources: