Welcome to the Build Data Products and Data Mesh with dbt Cloud Quickstart guide! Before you begin getting your hands into the technology, let's define what a data mesh is and describe what motivates the topic.

What is a data mesh?

A data mesh is a decentralized data management architecture comprising domain-specific data. Instead of having a single centralized data platform, teams own the processes around their own data.

In a data mesh framework, teams own not only their own data, but also the data pipelines and processes associated with transforming it. A central data engineering team maintains both key data sets and a suite of self-service tools to enable individual data ownership. Domain-specific data teams then exchange data via well-defined and versioned contracts.

Data mesh architecture aims to solve the lingering issues in data systems by adopting the same approach to data systems that software engineering teams take to software systems. It does so by enacting the following four principles:

  1. Decentralized domain-oriented data
  2. Data as a product
  3. Self-service data platform
  4. Federated computational governance

In the end, an operational data mesh architecture may look something like this:

Architecture for Data Mesh

Why you might need a data mesh

The following two conditions are indicators that you may benefit from a data mesh architecture.

Slowdowns and silos in the data monolith

The architectural choice to use a data monolith has numerous knock-on effects. Monolithic approaches break down a data processing pipeline into several stages-ingestion, processing, and serving.

A single team often handles all of these stages. This approach can work at first but breaks down with scale. As more and more requests come in, the data engineering team finds itself unable to respond to them promptly. This leads to an ever-growing backlog of feature requests and bug fixes. This slows down the pace of innovation and also leads to the system becoming more brittle over time.

In this approach, data engineering teams often can't gain the full context behind the underlying data in this model. Since they're responsible for maintaining data sets from multiple disparate teams, they often don't fully understand the business rationale behind the data.

This can lead them to make uninformed – and, sometimes, harmful – decisions that impact business decision-making. For example, a data engineering team may format data in a way that the sales department doesn't expect. This can lead to broken reports or even lost data.

Complex and brittle systems

Monolithic systems rarely have clear contracts or boundaries. This means that data formatting changes upstream can break an untold number of downstream consumers. The result? This can cause teams to avoid making necessary changes for fear of breaking everything. This leads to monolithic systems gradually becoming outdated, brittle, and hard to maintain.

Finally, collaboration also becomes more difficult in a monolithic system. Since no one is familiar with the entire codebase, it takes more people and more time to complete data-related tasks. This affects time to market for new products and features – which impacts the company's bottom line.

What is a data product?

A data product is a useful information asset, accessed by a clearly defined interface, with an expectation of timeliness and correctness by the consumer. Teams build and maintain data products using processes and technologies that they are responsible for, though they could be supported by other platform-oriented teams.

The properties of a data product are:

What you will learn

Throughout this guide, imagine yourself building a data platform with Snowflake and dbt Cloud for your organization, starting with two teams:

  1. Central data team: a team of experienced data engineers who build foundational data marts in Snowflake organized in a star schema of fact and dimensional tables
  2. Finance team: a team that includes data analysts in the finance department who want to own their data and data processes

Each step of the guide will learn how to use features of both Snowflake and dbt Cloud to achieve building data products.

What you will build

At the end of this guide, you will have achieved:

What this guide doesn't cover

What you will need


Here are the requirements for this Quickstart Guide:

In the following step within this Quickstart Guide, you will be given instructions on how to sign-up for a Snowflake account.

dbt Cloud

Here are the requirements for this Quickstart Guide:

In the following step within this Quickstart Guide, you will be given instructions on how to sign-up for a dbt Cloud account using Snowflake Partner Connect.

In this step, you will set up Snowflake and dbt Cloud accounts for use in the rest of the Quickstart guide.

Sign up for a Snowflake Enterprise trial account

Navigate to signup.snowflake.com and follow the steps. A few things to note:

Snowflake Cloud Provider

An email to activate your account will be sent after following the steps in the sign up flow. Click the button in the email "Click to Activate"

Snowflake Activate Account

Next, specify a username and password for your account.

Snowflake Activate Account

When prompted to either explore a sample data set or load data into snowflake, select the "Skip for Now" button.

Your Snowflake account is ready!

Launching dbt Cloud by Snowflake Partner Connect

  1. We recommend that you use Snowflake Partner Connect to set up your dbt Cloud account and project. Using Partner Connect will allow you to create a complete dbt account with your Snowflake connection, managed repository, environments, and credentials with just a few clicks.
  2. In the Snowflake UI, click on Data Products in the lefthand sidebar, then Partner Connect which is located within the Data Products section.
    Open Partner Connect
    Check to make sure your role is set as the ACCOUNTADMIN role. If you're using the classic console, the Partner Connect button will be in the top bar just right of center.
  3. Find the dbt tile by typing dbt into the Search Partner Connect search bar. Click on the dbt tile.Search Partner Connect
  4. You should now see a popup that says Connect to dbt that contains all of the associated objects created by Partner Connect. Click on the Optional Grant dropdown menu and add Snowflake_Sample_Data in the text box. This will grant your new dbt user role access to the database. Once that's entered, click Connect. This will create a dedicated dbt user, database, warehouse, and role for your dbt Cloud trial.Connect Partner Connect
  5. When you see the popup that says Your partner account has been created, click on Activate.Activate Partner Connect
  6. You should be redirected to a dbt Cloud registration page. If your email is already associated with a dbt Cloud account, you'll see the screen below. Fill out the Account Name and click "Complete Registration". That will then redirect you to the login screen. Fill out the form and make sure to save the password somewhere for login in the future.
    dbt Cloud Registration - Already Exists

If this is your first time in dbt Cloud, you'll see the screen below. Add your Account Name and a password for your user.

dbt Cloud Registration - New User

  1. You should now be redirected to your dbt Cloud account, complete with a connection to your Snowflake account, a deployment and a development environment, as well as a sample job.dbt Cloud Home Page
  2. To help you version control your dbt project we have connected it to a managed repository, which means that dbt Labs will be hosting your repository for you. This will give you access to a git workflow without you having to create and host the repository yourself. You will not need to know git for this workshop; dbt Cloud will help guide you through the workflow. In the future, when you're developing your own project, feel free to use your own repository. This will allow you to play with features like Slim CI builds after this workshop.
  3. Now it is best to upgrade this dbt Cloud account to Enterprise. If you are participating in the Snowflake Summit Hands On Lab session, please use this form to submit your account information so your account can be upgraded for the duration of the Hands On Lab. The required information can be found by navigating to Account Settings. The Account ID should be in the top section "Account Information" - this is what we'll need to upgrade your account.

In this step, you will be setting up Snowflake for two teams: the central data team and the finance team, as shown in the diagram below. You will be using least privileged access principles in order to properly secure the data.

Target Snowflake configuration

Setting up the Snowflake foundation for the central data team

The central data team is well-established in the organization and the average team member is capable of building data pipelines that powers business reporting across various domains: finance, marketing, sales, customer support, and so on. The team uses data management best practices like organizing data in dimensional models for maximum re-usability in various BI and AI/ML applications.

The first thing you'll need to do is set up a role specifically for applying these governance practices to the Snowflake environment. The code below will:

In the Snowflake UI, click on Projects in the lefthand sidebar, then Worksheets which is located within the Projects section. Then select the blue plus icon in the top-right of the screen to create a new SQL worksheet.

Snowflake SQL Worksheet

Then copy the code below, paste it into the worksheet, and either:

use role accountadmin;

create database if not exists foundational_db;
create schema if not exists foundational_db.prod;
create or replace warehouse foundational_wh with warehouse_size = xsmall;

create role if not exists foundational_role;
create role if not exists foundational_pii_reader_role;
grant role foundational_pii_reader_role to role foundational_role;

grant usage on database foundational_db to role foundational_role;
grant usage on schema foundational_db.prod to role foundational_role;
grant usage on warehouse foundational_wh to role foundational_role;
grant create schema on database foundational_db to role foundational_role;
grant create table on schema foundational_db.prod to role foundational_role;
grant create view on schema foundational_db.prod to role foundational_role;

grant create tag on schema foundational_db.prod to role foundational_role;
grant create masking policy on schema foundational_db.prod to role foundational_role;
grant apply masking policy on account to role foundational_role;
grant apply tag on account to role foundational_role;

Setting up Snowflake for the finance team

Meanwhile, the average finance team member is more accustomed to consuming dashboards and building spreadsheets, however more and more demands on data has led to the finance team owning and managing more data to rapidly respond to changing demands. And so, the team has upskilled team members and brought on an analytics engineer to use Snowflake and dbt Cloud, in order to create data pipelines building off of the foundation project for daily reporting use-cases.

Now create the finance team workspace. The code below will:

create database if not exists finance_db;
create schema if not exists finance_db.prod;
create or replace warehouse finance_wh with warehouse_size = xsmall;

create role if not exists finance_role;

grant usage on warehouse finance_wh to role finance_role;
grant usage on database finance_db to role finance_role;
grant usage on schema finance_db.prod to role finance_role;
grant select on all tables in schema finance_db.prod to role finance_role;

grant create schema on database finance_db to role finance_role;
grant create table on schema finance_db.prod to role finance_role;
grant create view on schema finance_db.prod to role finance_role;

grant usage on database foundational_db to role finance_role;
grant usage on schema foundational_db.prod to role finance_role;

Grant yourself permissions

To get this all working correctly, make sure to assign the relevant roles to your own Snowflake database user. Ensure that you're replacing in the script below with your Snowflake username.. If you've forgotten your username, you can find it in the bottom left icon -> My Profile. dbt Cloud Registration

use role accountadmin;

grant role foundational_role to user pc_dbt_user;
grant role foundational_role to user <your-snowflake-username>;
grant role foundational_pii_reader_role to user <your-snowflake-username>;
grant role finance_role to user <your-snowflake-username>;

Wrapping up this step

With these basic setup steps within Snowflake, you have begun laying the first layer of an interoperable and secure data mesh. In the next step, you will add dbt Cloud to create the tables in the data products.

Here is where you are in the journey towards a data product:

Now you will create two dbt Cloud Projects: one for the central data team, and one for the finance team, as depicted in the diagram below.

You will notice that you need to input your Snowflake credentials and resources information created in the previous step. dbt Cloud uses Snowflake role and warehouse resources in order to build database tables and views. The platform is powerful enough for the central data team and also accessible enough for newcomers on the finance team to use, all the while allowing collaboration between these two teams.

Target dbt Cloud configuration

Create the foundational project for the central data team

Now you will create the foundational project in dbt Cloud, which is to be exclusively developed by the central data team. It is sometimes referred to as the Upstream Project when other dbt projects build upon it. We can use the project that was already created for us by Partner Connect:

  1. Click the gear icon in the top-right corner of the navbar and then select Account Settings.
  2. From Account settings, select projects in the left sidebar, and then click your single project, Partner Connect Trial.
  3. Click the "Edit" button in the bottom right, rename your project to Foundational Project, and click "Save" in the bottom right. When prompted with "Your change will impact all users", click "Continue".
  4. Now select the Deploy dropdown in the navbar -> Environments
  5. You'll notice that two environments have already been created for you: Deployment and Development. We're going to update our Deployment environment to use some of the objects we created earlier in Snowflake. Click on "Deployment". Then, select the "Settings" button in the top-right corner of the page.
  6. We want to change several things here, so select the "Edit" button in the top-right corner.

Normally, we'd use a service account here to write to the production space

For further details about this step, you may refer to the dbt documentation on creating a new project in dbt Cloud.

Create the Finance Project for the finance team

Meanwhile, the finance team will build on these foundations, and add more specific transformations or business logic as required for their purposes. Follow the same steps as above, but fill in the finance team Snowflake information:

  1. From Account settings, select projects in the left sidebar, and then click + New Project near the top-right corner.
  2. In the Project name field, enter Finance Project and click Continue.
  3. Select Snowflake as your data platform, then Next to set up your connection.
  4. In the Configure your environment section, enter the Settings for your new project.
  1. Click Test Connection. This verifies that dbt Cloud can access your data platform account.
  2. Click Next if the test succeeded. If it fails, you might need to go back and double-check your settings.
  3. Select Managed Repo, and name it finance_repo.
  4. Now select the Deploy dropdown in the navbar -> Environments
  5. Select the "Create environment" button in the top-right

Additional features to secure dbt Cloud and Snowflake

When setting up dbt Cloud for production, there are four recommended security options to configure. They are out-of-scope for this particular Quickstart Guide, but worth mentioning at this point:

Wrapping up this step

dbt Cloud adds a layer of addressability and discoverability to the data platform. In the next step, you will build your first data product.

Here is where you are in the journey towards a data product:

Now it's time for you to add dbt code in the foundational project using the dbt Cloud IDE. Using the sample TPCH dataset provided by Snowflake, the dbt code will create a fct_orders table representing all of the orders within our organization. The code below has three layers of transformations: raw data sources, staging models, and core business logic. And by using dbt, you automatically have end-to-end data lineage.

Setup the new project

Here are the steps:

  1. Navigate back to the foundational project via the account / project dropdown in the top-right section of the navbar.
  2. Then, navigate to the Cloud IDE via the Develop dropdown in the navbar to verify your setup.
  3. If the repo you are working on is empty, click the Initialize dbt project button and commit the changes.
  4. Create a new branch.
  5. Delete the models/example folder.
  6. Navigate to the dbt_project.yml file and rename the project (line 5) from my_new_project to foundational_project.
  7. In your dbt_project.yml file, remove lines 39-42 (the my_new_project model reference).
  8. In the File Explorer, hover over the models directory and click the ..., then select Create Folder.
  9. Create two new folders: staging and marts. If you've done this right, these directories will be inside the models directory.

Create the staging layer

Now that you've set up the foundational project, let's start building the data assets. Set up the staging layer as follows:

  1. Create a new YAML file models/staging/sources.yml.
  2. Declare the sources by copying the following into the file and clicking Save.
  - name: tpch
    description: "TPCH data source from Snowflake Sample Data"
    database: snowflake_sample_data
    schema: tpch_sf1
      - name: orders
        description: "One record per order"
      - name: customer
        description: "One record per customer"
      - name: lineitem
        description: "One record per line item within a single order (1 -> n)"
  1. Create a models/staging/stg_customers.sql file to select from the customers table in the tpch source.
with source as (

    select * from {{ source('tpch', 'customer') }}


cleanup as (

        c_custkey as customer_key,
        c_name as name,
        c_address as address, 
        c_nationkey as nation_key,
        c_phone as phone_number,
        c_acctbal as account_balance,
        c_mktsegment as market_segment,
        c_comment as comment

    from source


select * from cleanup
  1. Create a models/staging/stg_orders.sql file to select from the orders table in the tpch source.
with source as (

    select * from {{ source('tpch', 'orders') }}


renamed as (

        o_orderkey as order_key,
        o_custkey as customer_key,
        o_orderstatus as status_code,
        o_totalprice as total_price,
        o_orderdate as order_date,
        o_clerk as clerk_name,
        o_orderpriority as priority_code,
        o_shippriority as ship_priority,
        o_comment as comment

    from source


select * from renamed
  1. Create a models/staging/stg_line_items.sql file to select from the line_items table in the tpch source.
with source as (

    select * from {{ source('tpch', 'lineitem') }}


renamed as (

        l_orderkey as order_key,
        l_partkey as part_key,
        l_suppkey as supplier_key,
        l_linenumber as line_number,
        l_quantity as quantity,
        l_extendedprice as gross_item_sales_amount,
        l_discount as discount_percentage,
        l_tax as tax_rate,
        l_returnflag as return_flag,
        l_linestatus as status_code,
        l_shipdate as ship_date,
        l_commitdate as commit_date,
        l_receiptdate as receipt_date,
        l_shipinstruct as ship_instructions,
        l_shipmode as ship_mode,
        l_comment as comment,

        -- extended_price is actually the line item total,
        -- so we back out the extended price per item
        (gross_item_sales_amount/nullif(quantity, 0))::decimal(16,4) as base_price,
        (base_price * (1 - discount_percentage))::decimal(16,4) as discounted_price,
        (gross_item_sales_amount * (1 - discount_percentage))::decimal(16,4) as discounted_item_sales_amount,

        -- We model discounts as negative amounts
        (-1 * gross_item_sales_amount * discount_percentage)::decimal(16,4) as item_discount_amount,
        ((gross_item_sales_amount + item_discount_amount) * tax_rate)::decimal(16,4) as item_tax_amount,
            gross_item_sales_amount + 
            item_discount_amount + 
        )::decimal(16,4) as net_item_sales_amount

    from source


select * from renamed

Create the marts layer

Now set up the marts layer by creating a file models/marts/fct_orders.sql to build a fact table with order details:


with orders as (
    select * from {{ ref('stg_orders') }}


line_items as (
    select * from {{ ref('stg_line_items') }}


customers as (

    select * from {{ ref('stg_customers') }}

order_item_summary as (

        sum(gross_item_sales_amount) as gross_item_sales_amount,
        sum(item_discount_amount) as item_discount_amount,
        sum(item_tax_amount) as item_tax_amount,
        sum(net_item_sales_amount) as net_item_sales_amount
    from line_items
    group by 1


final as (

    from orders
    inner join order_item_summary
        on orders.order_key = order_item_summary.order_key
    inner join customers
        on orders.customer_key = customers.customer_key

select *
from final
order by order_date

Build the project

Navigate to the Command bar at the very bottom of the IDE and execute dbt build. This will both validate the work you've done thus far and build out the requisite models into your sandbox within Snowflake.

At this point, you may also see what you have built by looking at the Lineage tab in the dbt Cloud IDE, and as shown in the graphic below.

dbt Cloud lineage

Committing your changes

To finish this step up, go to the Version control section in the IDE to:

  1. Click the Commit and Sync button to commit your changes.
  2. Merge your changes to the main or production branch.

Additional features to build data products

Wrapping up this step

You now have built the first useful tables in the foundational project, which any user or application can access using SQL. In the next step, you will secure the PII access to privileged users.

Here is where you are in the journey towards a data product:

Congratulations! You built a useful dataset. But, it's not secure. Organizational data privacy policies require Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to be restricted only to a few select people within the organization. Naturally, this restriction is best checked within Snowflake itself, as various applications within the organization access data, so restricting the data at the source helps protect your customers' privacy.

Setting up data masking tags and policies in Snowflake

Use Snowsight to execute the following commands to create object tags and a data masking policy.

use role foundational_role;
use database foundational_db;

-- Create a tag for PII data
create tag if not exists foundational_db.prod.pii_data;

-- Create a masking policy for string data
create or replace masking policy foundational_db.prod.pii_mask_string as (val string) returns string ->
    when is_role_in_session('foundational_pii_reader_role') then val
    else '****'
-- Assign the masking policy to the tag
alter tag foundational_db.prod.pii_data set masking policy foundational_db.prod.pii_mask_string;

Apply the Snowflake tags while building dbt models

Now it's time to jump into dbt Cloud to use a model post-hook to apply the masking policy to the name column of the fct_orders dbt model immediately after the table is built.

Open up the fct_orders.sql file and modify the config block at the top to include the post_hook argument:

        post_hook="alter table {{ this }} modify column name set tag foundational_db.prod.pii_data = 'name'"

Additional features to govern and secure

Wrapping up this step

You have now secured the PII produced in this data product so it is restricted to privileged users, governed by native Snowflake features. In the next step, you will add model contracts and enforce grants with dbt.

Here is where you are in the journey towards a data product:

Now that you have set up with data masking, it's time to set up proper grants to the foundational project's fct_orders table, add a model contract, and make it accessible to other dbt projects.

By using these configurations within your project, you'll be, in effect, creating a stable set of APIs that your downstream projects are able to reliably consume.

Adding the model YAML metadata

To begin, add the file models/marts/core.yml and add the code below:

  - name: fct_orders
    description: "This model contains order information from the transactional systems of the company."
    # Model access setting
    access: public
      # Model contract setting
        enforced: true
      # Grant setting
        select: ['foundational_pii_reader_role', 'finance_role']
      - name: order_key
        data_type: int
        description: "The unique identifier for each order"
          - unique
          - not_null

      - name: order_date
        data_type: date
        description: "The date and time when the order was placed"

      - name: customer_key
        data_type: int
        description: "The identifier for the customer who placed the order"
          - not_null

      - name: status_code
        data_type: varchar
        description: "A code representing the current status of the order"

      - name: priority_code
        data_type: varchar
        description: "A code indicating the priority level of the order"

      - name: ship_priority
        data_type: int
        description: "The priority level for shipping the order"

      - name: clerk_name
        data_type: varchar
        description: "The name of the clerk responsible for processing the order"

      - name: name
        data_type: varchar
        description: "The name associated with the order, such as the product name or order name"

      - name: market_segment
        data_type: varchar
        description: "The segment of the market to which the order is targeted or classified"

      - name: gross_item_sales_amount
        data_type: numeric(38, 3)
        description: "The total sales amount for items in the order before any discounts or taxes"

      - name: item_discount_amount
        data_type: numeric(38, 3)
        description: "The total discount amount applied to items in the order"

      - name: item_tax_amount
        data_type: numeric(38, 3)
        description: "The total tax amount applied to items in the order"

      - name: net_item_sales_amount
        data_type: numeric(38, 3)
        description: "The total sales amount for items in the order after discounts and taxes have been applied"

This YAML file does the following:

Committing your changes

To finish this step up, go to the Version control section in the IDE and:

  1. Click the Commit and Sync button to commit your changes.
  2. Merge your changes to the main or production branch.

Additional features for model governance

Wrapping up this step

In this step you added a straightforward YAML file, and now fct_orders is a tested data model with documentation, will have the proper grants applied when built, and is publicly available for other dbt Cloud projects to use. In the next step, you will build the foundational project in production.

Here is where you are in the journey towards a data product:

Before a downstream team can leverage assets from this foundational project, you will need to run a deployment job successfully.

Setting up the job

To run your first deployment dbt Cloud job, you will need to create a new dbt Cloud job.

  1. Click Deploy and then Jobs.
  2. Click Create job and then Deploy job.
  3. Fill in details about the job, calling it Daily Job.
  4. Select the Generate docs on run option. This will enable dbt Cloud to pull in metadata from the warehouse to supplement the documentation found in the Explore section.

Select the &lsquo;Generate docs on run&rsquo; option when configuring your dbt Cloud job.

  1. You may optionally set a schedule for the the job to run on.
  2. Save the job
  3. Then, click Run now to trigger the job.

Run your job.

Additional job features for a data mesh

Wrapping up this step

In this step, you ran a dbt Cloud job that deployed a production version of the data to Snowflake and registered the project metadata in dbt Cloud's metadata storage. This was necessary for the next step, which is to reference the Foundational data from within the Finance dbt Cloud project.

Here is where you are in the journey towards a data product:

In this penultimate step, you will now set up dbt Cloud to build the finance team's data product by building off the foundational data product, the result of which is an architecture as shown in the diagram below.

Target Snowflake and dbt Cloud configuration

Setup the project

  1. First, select the Finance Project from the dbt Cloud project selector.
  2. Now, open up the Cloud IDE in the Develop toolbar.
  3. If you've also started with a new git repo, click Initialize dbt project button under the Version control section and commit the changes.
  4. Delete the models/example folder
  5. Navigate to the dbt_project.yml file and rename the project (line 5) from my_new_project to finance_project.
  6. In your dbt_project.yml file, remove lines 39-42 (the my_new_project model reference).
  7. In the File Explorer, hover over the project directory, click the ..., then select Create file.
  8. Name the file dependencies.yml and add the upstream platform project and click Save.
  - name: foundational_project
  1. You're now set to add a model that references the fct_orders model created in the separate project by your platform team. In your models directory, create a file models/agg_segment_revenue.sql
    sum(gross_item_sales_amount) as total_revenue
from {{ ref('foundational_project', 'fct_orders') }}
group by 1

Notice the cross-project ref by using two arguments to the function: 1) name of the project, as defined within that upstream project and declared in dependencies.yml, and 2) the name of a public model in that project.

  1. Save your file and notice the lineage in the bottom pane.
  2. Compile the code and notice that this model is now referencing the production version of the foundational project's fct_orders table.

Committing your changes

To finish this step up, go to the Version control section in the IDE to:

  1. Click the Commit and Sync button to commit your changes.
  2. Merge your changes to the main or production branch.

Setting up a finance job

Now run a production dbt Cloud Job of the finance project, as you did with the foundational project.

  1. Click Deploy and then Jobs.
  2. Click Create job and then Deploy job.
  3. Select the Generate docs on run option. This will enable dbt Cloud to pull in metadata from the warehouse to supplement the documentation found in the Explore section.
  4. Then, click Run now to trigger the job.

Wrapping up this step

With a few lines of code, the finance team now is building directly off of the central data team's work. They are synchronized which ensures data consistency, but autonomous to create their data product to power their own applications. The finance team can also feel confident that the data they are addressing will be reliable, due to the model contract that's in-place with the fct_orders model.

Here is where you are in the journey towards a data product:

You have now completed building projects for this Quickstart Guide. Now it is time to try out dbt Explorer to discover and drill into the dbt assets available within your dbt Cloud account.

Exploring dbt Explorer

  1. Click Explore from the upper menu bar.
  2. Using the Search bar at the top left of the page, search for orders.

Discover search results

  1. Click on fct_orders and scroll through the page, noting Lineage, Build Status, and Description.
  2. Click on the Columns tab, and then expand the order_key column to see the Column Level Lineage.

Discover search results

  1. Lastly, click on the Project Recommendations tab on the left hand side of the page to see best practices directly in dbt Explorer.

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Wrapping up this step

With dbt Explorer, data products built with dbt are automatically published and searchable, allowing for easy discovery and re-usability. Furthermore, you can use dbt Explorer to drill into data product details including documentation, build status, and lineage at the column-level, model-level, or project-level.

You have now completed your data product journey!

During this quickstart guide, you used native features of Snowflake and dbt Cloud that can be combined to create data products. By using dbt Cloud, you gained additional governance, automation, and interoperability mechanisms than from Snowflake alone. Overall, these two self-service platforms combined increase the likelihood of success of a data mesh project.

What we've covered

Related resources

If you are interested in this solution for your organization, contact dbt Labs to get started!

To learn more about data mesh, you may refer to dbt Labs' Guide to Data Mesh e-book.

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