
In this tutorial you will learn how to build and deploy a connector using Native Apps framework in Snowflake and Native Connectors SDK Java. Provided example application connects to the GitHub API to pull information about issues from the desired repositories. The following steps will guide you through the whole process starting with the source files and finishing with working and configured application inside Snowflake.


Before starting this tutorial please be sure that below prerequisites are satisfied:

You will learn

The project contains multiple subdirectories which will be shortly described in the following section.

Connectors Native SDK Java

The connectors-native-sdk-java directory contains all the Native SDK Java code with unit tests and integration tests for the SDK components. Because of the nature of the Native Apps inside Snowflake this means not only Java code, but also sql code, which is necessary to create a working application. The definitions of the database objects can be found inside src/main/resources directory. Those files are used while creating an application to customize what objects will be available inside the application. In this example we use all.sql file, which creates objects for all the available features. This file will be executed during the installation process of the application. For now this code is not available as jar archive that can be used as a dependency in java project and has to be included as source files.

Connectors Native SDK Java test

The connectors-native-sdk-test-java directory contains source code of a helper library used in unit tests, for example objects used to mock particular components, custom assertions etc. Those files are neither a part of the library nor the application.

Example Java GitHub connector

The actual example connector is located inside examples/connectors-native-sdk-example-java-github-connector directory. Inside this directory app/ contains all the files needed to run the Native App. The app/streamlit/ directory contains source files necessary to run the Streamlit UI. The setup.sql file is run during the application installation and is responsible for creating the necessary database objects. This file will execute the all.sql file mentioned before, as well as some custom sql code. The manifest.yml is the manifest of the Native App and is required to create application package and then the application itself. This file specifies application properties, as well as permissions needed by the application.

Additionally, examples/connectors-native-sdk-example-java-github-connector directory contains src/ subdirectory which contains custom connector logic, such as implementation of the required classes and customizations of the default SDK components.

Connectors Native SDK Template

The template Gradle Java project with inbuilt Connectors Native SDK Java that allows the developer to deploy, install, and run the sample, mocked source connector right after downloading the template. You can find it inside templates/connectors-native-sdk-template. The template is filled with some code already which shows how to use the Native SDK for Connectors Java according to the connector flow defined by the Native SDK for Connectors. Reach the official tutorial that will guide through the whole developer flow starting from cloning the template project, through the implementation process of key functionalities, ending with the deployed and running connector in the Snowflake environment!

Other files in the directory are gradle related files,, and LICENSE that deliver the general information about the repository.

The Makefile in the examples/connectors-native-sdk-example-java-github-connector/ directory contains convenience scripts to build, deploy and install the connector. Those scripts execute specific gradle tasks, execute some shell scripts and run sql commands in Snowflake. They require a snowsql connection to be defined on the local machine. The name of the connection should be provided in the CONNECTION environmental variable at the top of the Makefile. Reminder: Connection needs to use accountadmin role.

To perform all the needed scripts, one of the 2 commands below will be enough, however the following sections will go deeper to explain the whole process and what is happening under the hood.

cd examples/connectors-native-sdk-example-java-github-connector
make complex_create_app_instance_from_app_version
cd examples/connectors-native-sdk-example-java-github-connector
make complex_create_app_instance_from_version_dir


To simply run an application the above commands are enough, however if you are interested in the details continue reading. Building a Native App is a little bit different from building a usual Java application. There are some things that must be done except just building the jar archives from the sources. Building the application contains the following steps:

If you run one of the previous commands and want to run step by step commands then run the following command first

make drop_application

Copying sdk components

This step consists of 2 things. First of all, it copies the Connectors Native SDK Java artifact to the target directory, by default - sf_build. Secondly, it extracts the bundled sql files from the jar archive to the target directory. Using those sql files allows user to customize which provided objects will be created during the application installation. For the first time users customization is not recommended, because omitting objects may cause some features to fail if done incorrectly. The provided example application uses all.sql file, which creates all the provided objects.

To execute this step independently of the whole process execute the following command:

make copy_sdk_components

This step can be executed to get familiarized with the provided sql files, however, because Connectors Native SDK Java is currently provided as source code, this can be done by going through the source files in the connectors-native-sdk-java/main/resources/ directory.

Copying internal components

This step builds and copies the artifacts from the custom-built code along with all the streamlit files, manifest, and setup files to the target directory. This step can be run independently of other steps by running:

make copy_internal_components


To deploy a Native App an application package needs to be created inside Snowflake. Then all the files from the target build directory (sf_build) need to be copied there. Then based on those files a version of the Native App can be created.

Note: Creating version is optional, for development purposes the application can be created from the stage files directly.

Preparing application package

The first part of the deployment is creation of the application package if it does not exist yet. Then schema and stage are created inside. Performing this step by itself does not upload any files yet, but is a good opportunity to check whether the connection to Snowflake was configured correctly.

make prepare_app_package

Deploying files

This step copies all the files and subdirectories recursively from the sf_build directory to the stage created in the previous step. The tree structure of the directory is kept and prefixed with the version of the application that is specified in the Makefile. This process might take a moment especially for bigger apps with a lot of custom code and big artifacts.

make deploy_connector

Creating version

This step is optional, but depending on whether it was executed or not, different commands must be executed during the installation. The result of the following command is creation of the version inside the application package. During the development, when deploy and installation happen more often, it is simply faster to skip creating version and then create application instance using the files directly.

make create_new_version

After this step the APPLICATION PACKAGE will be visible in the App packages tab in the Data products category.



Installation of the application is the last step of the process. It creates an application from the application package created previously. If the version was not created then the following command must be used:

make create_app_instance_from_version_dir

If the version was created then another command is available, however both of those commands should work:

make create_app_instance_from_app_version

After the installation

After application is installed successfully it should be visible in the Apps tab inside Snowflake.


Before we dig into configuring the connector and ingesting the data let's have a quick look at how the connector actually works. Below you can see all the steps that will be completed in the following parts of this quickstart. The starting point will be completing the prerequisites and going through the Wizard.

The Wizard stage of the Connector guides the user through all the required configurations needed by the connector. The Daily Use stage allows user to view statistics, configure repositories for ingestion and pausing/resuming the connector.


After entering the application the Wizard Streamlit page will be opened. The connector needs some information provided by the user before it can start ingesting data. The Wizard will guide you through all the required steps in the application itself, but also on the whole Snowflake account and sometimes even the external system that will be the source of the ingested data, in this case GitHub. After all those steps are finished the connector will be ready to start ingesting the data.


The first step of the Wizard is Prerequisites step. This step will provide you a list of things that must be configured outside the Native App. Completing the prerequisites is not required, but it is recommended to ensure smoother configuration process later.

In the case of the example GitHub connector there are 2 things that need to be taken care of before going further:


Connector Configuration

Next step of the Wizard is connector configuration. This step allows user to grant to application privileges that can be requested through the permissions sdk, choose warehouse which will be referenced when scheduling tasks, and choose destination database and schema for the data that will be ingested.


Application requires 2 account level permissions to operate: CREATE DATABASE and EXECUTE TASK. The first one is needed to create a destination database for the ingested data. This database should be created outside the application package, so that the ingested data can be left intact after application is uninstalled. Although, this example does not support this feature. The second one is needed to schedule periodic tasks that will fetch the data from GitHub and save it.

Granting those privileges can be done using the security tab or by pressing the Grant privileges button in the connector configuration screen. The latter one will result in a popup appearing on the screen.


Warehouse reference

Connector requires a warehouse to run and schedule tasks. Application will use a warehouse through a reference. It can be created using the security tab the same as the privileges above or by pressing the Choose warehouse button. This will result in another popup.


Database and schema

As mentioned before connector requires a database to store ingested data. This database will be created with the schema specified by the user. Name of the database is up to the user as long as it is unique inside the account.

The completed connector configuration screen will look similar to this one: connector_configuration.png

Connection Configuration

Next step of the Wizard is connection configuration. This step allows user to set up the connection to an external data source. We recommend using OAuth2 authentication whenever possible, instead of using user/password or plaintext tokens.

GitHub currently supports two ways of OAuth2 authentication - OAuth apps and GitHub apps. OAuth apps are a bit easier to set up and use, however they do not provide the same level of permission control granularity. We recommend using a GitHub app for this example, however if you wish to use an OAuth app - the connector will still work as intended.

Permission SDK setup

OAuth2 authentication requires a security integration, secret and external access integration to be created in the user's account. Our connector uses the Permission SDK to request the creation of those objects.

References for the external access integration and secret, which are needed by the connector, are defined in the manifest.yml file:

      label: "GitHub API access integration"
      description: "External access integration that will enable connection to the GitHub API using OAuth2"
      privileges: [USAGE]
      register_callback: PUBLIC.REGISTER_REFERENCE
      configuration_callback: PUBLIC.GET_REFERENCE_CONFIG
      label: "GitHub API secret"
      description: "Secret that will enable connection to the GitHub API using OAuth2"
      privileges: [READ]
      object_type: SECRET
      register_callback: PUBLIC.REGISTER_REFERENCE
      configuration_callback: PUBLIC.GET_REFERENCE_CONFIG

In addition, a special procedure needs to be added in the setup.sql file. It is referenced in the configuration_callback property for each of the references presented above.

            CASE (ref_name)
                    RETURN OBJECT_CONSTRUCT(
                        'type', 'CONFIGURATION',
                        'payload', OBJECT_CONSTRUCT(
                            'host_ports', ARRAY_CONSTRUCT(''),
                            'allowed_secrets', 'LIST',
                            'secret_references', ARRAY_CONSTRUCT('GITHUB_SECRET_REFERENCE')
                    RETURN OBJECT_CONSTRUCT(
                        'type', 'CONFIGURATION',
                        'payload', OBJECT_CONSTRUCT(
                            'type', 'OAUTH2',
                            'security_integration', OBJECT_CONSTRUCT(
                                'oauth_scopes', ARRAY_CONSTRUCT('repo'),
                                'oauth_token_endpoint', '',
                                'oauth_authorization_endpoint', ''
                    RETURN '';
            END CASE;

For the external access integration reference the procedure provides:

For the secret reference the procedure provides:

GitHub app setup

The next step is the setup of a GitHub app in the user's account. This app will be used to grant limited access to the account, so that data can be ingested.

The first step is to press the Request access button in the connector UI.


The first screen allows you to review the endpoints, for which external connectivity will be allowed.


After pressing Next - you will see a second screen. Select OAuth2 to create a new integration and secret, and copy the provided redirect URL - it will contain your organization name and the region of your account.


Next go to your GitHub account settings page, then into Developer settings > GitHub Apps and press the New GitHub App button.

  1. Enter the name and homepage URL of your app
  2. Paste the redirect URL you copied into the Callback URL field
  3. Make sure the Expire user authorization tokens option is selected
  4. Make sure the Request user authorization (OAuth) during installation is not selected
  5. If you do not need it - deselect the Active option in the Webhook section
  6. Select the permissions needed for the connector to work:
    1. Repository permissions > Issues with the Read-only access
    2. Repository permissions > Metadata with the Read-only access
  7. If the app will only be used by you, with this example connector - it is best to select Only on this account in the installation access section

After the app is created - press the Install app option in the left sidebar and install the application in your account. You can choose which repositories the app (and by extension the connector) will be able to access. Without this installation - the connector will only be able to access public repositories.

OAuth integration setup

After installation return to your GitHub app and generate a new client secret. Make sure to copy it immediately, as it will not be shown again. Paste the client secret in the OAuth configuration popup of your connector. Finally, copy the client ID (not app ID) of your application and also paste it in the OAuth configuration popup of your connector.


After pressing Connect a GitHub window will pop up, asking you for app authorization on your GitHub account. After authorizing - you will be automatically redirected back to the connector UI. After successful authorization (it may take a couple seconds to finish and close the popup) the page will be populated with the IDs of external access integration and secret references.


Pressing the Connect button will trigger the TEST_CONNECTION procedure inside the connector. This procedure will try to access GitHub API octocat endpoint, to check if external connectivity was configured correctly, and the OAuth access token obtained correctly.

When the test succeeds - application will proceed into finalization step.

Configuration Finalization

Finalization is the last step of the Wizard. In this step you will be asked to provide an organisation and a repository name. This repository must be accessible with the OAuth token obtained during the connection configuration step. The provided repository will be used only for connection validation purposes.

This is a bit different from the previous step, because the TEST_CONNECTION procedure only checks if the GitHub API is accessible and the provided token is valid.

Finalization step ensures that repository provided by user is accessible with the provided GitHub API token. It will fail if the token does not have required permissions to access the repository. If you would like to ingest data from private repositories - we recommend finalizing the configuration using a private repository.

Additionally, during this step the database and schema specified in connector configuration phase will be created.


After Wizard is completed successfully it is possible to start the regular use of the connector. This part will explain:

Configuring resources

To configure resources go to the Data Sync tab. This tab displays a list of the repositories already configured for ingestion. When opened for the first time the list should be empty. To configure a resource type the organisation and repository names in the designated fields, then press Queue ingestion button.

For example: define_resource.png

The definition for a new resource will be saved, and it will be picked up by the scheduler according to the global schedule. It will take some time before the data is ingested and visible in the sink table. It will be visible in the table below:


Ingestion schedule and status

At the top of the Data Sync tab there is a section containing general information about ingestion. This section allows user to see the global schedule with which the configured resources will be ingested. Furthermore, it will be visited again in the Pause/resume section below. Last indicator here shows the current ingestion status. At first, it will be in NOT SYNCING state until first resource is defined. Then it will transition to SYNCING, and finally when at lest one resource finishes successfully it will show the date of last successful ingestion.


Ingestion process

Ingestion process is handled using a Scheduler Task and Task Reactor components. The scheduler picks up the defined resources according to the global schedule and submits them as Work Items to the dispatcher queue. Then task reactor component called Dispatcher picks them up and splits between the defined number of workers. Each worker performs the actual ingestion for every item from the queue that it picks up. Singular ingestion of a resource consists of fetching the data from the endpoints in the GitHub API and then saving them in the designated tables in the sink database. For this example purposes all the data is fetched in every run, which results in new records being added to the table and old records being updated. Additionally, execution of each Work Item includes logging data like start date, end date, number of ingested rows, status etc. to internal connector tables, which are then used for statistics purposes.

Viewing statistics

The Home screen contains statistics from the past ingestion runs. The data is based on the view called PUBLIC.AGGREGATED_CONNECTOR_STATS. The view aggregates the number of ingested rows based on the hour of the day when it was ingested. The data from this view can be retrieved using worksheet and that way it can be aggregated by a time window bigger than an hour.

There is another view that is available through the worksheet. It is called PUBLIC.CONNECTOR_STATS. Using this data you can see status, start and end date, average rows ingested per seconds and some other information regarding ingestion.

The chart should look like this:


Viewing ingested data

The ingested data is not visible in the streamlit ui, but it can be viewed through the worksheet by users with ADMIN and DATA_READER roles. To view the data you have to go to the worksheets inside Snowflake and just query the database that was configured as the sink during the connector configuration step. The sink database uses name and schema that were defined during the connector configuration step. The name of the table is ISSUES and the view is called ISSUES_VIEW.

The table contains the following columns:

The columns in the view are as follows:

Those fields are extracted from the raw_data inside the original table.

To see the data use the below query:



Pausing and resuming

The connector can be paused and resumed, whenever desired. To do so just press the Pause button in the Data Sync tab. When pausing is triggered the underlying scheduling and work execution mechanism is disabled. However, the currently processing tasks will finish before the connector actually goes into PAUSED state. Because of that, it can take some time before it happens.

To resume the connector you just have to press Resume button that will be displayed in place of the Pause button. This will resume the scheduling task which will start queueing new Work Items.


Settings tab

After configuration one more tab called Settings becomes available. This tab allows the user to see current connector and connection configurations. The data from this tab is extracted from the underlying configuration table and is read only.




If Connector encounters any problems they will be visible in the event table logs if it is enabled in the account. More on the enabling and using event table and logging in Native Apps can be found in the documentation:

Connectors Native SDK Java provides components to build a fully customizable application. Currently, it is possible to customize the behavior of the application in 2 ways:

More information on those topics will be covered in the Snowflake Native SDK for Connectors documentation.

After the tutorial is completed you can either pause the connector as explained in the Daily Use section or completely remove it using the convenience script

make drop_application

If this part is skipped then even the example connector will generate credit consumption.

Connectors Native SDK Java module comes with integration tests bundled. Those tests build the SDK module and deploy it using mocked empty application. The test cases are taking significant time to complete because they require the whole Connector to be built and deployed to Snowflake. To run those tests you need to specify the Snowflake connection credentials in the file that is located in the .env directory. When the connection file is provided run:

make test